The fact that a passive defensiv skill (Thorns) and a generator skill (Bash) are the strongest build in Saeson 4 shows how bad balanced the Barbarian is now

After all the nerfs coming from some streamer videos, we have now reached the point where all core skills are nothing more than support skills. What’s the point? This shows that the balancing is wrong.

  • Shortly after release, the Whirlwind was nerfed dead.
  • Hota and Charge were nerfed dead after Season 3.
  • After the PTR the Dust Devil build was nerfed weak.

Does Blizzard not have the self-confidence to stand by their vision and just nerf everything to the ground because of such videos from streamers? Don’t you realize that you are affecting the fun of so many players?

I was so excited to play the Dust Devil build after the PTR, and Blizzard managed to ruin it again with pointless nerfs. Pointless because the reasoning is that the other players don’t see anything or the FPS drops. Instead of adjusting the visualization, you choose the easy way and reduce the DD and its behavior with the CAP and speed without offering alternative solutions.

Now I had to switch to Bash because it is so much stronger but just not fun. Bash, which is a generator, is x times stronger than all the core builds or also the Dust Devil.

For me this is really very questionable and disappointing.

I can only hope that the coreskills will get some love in the future and that they won’t be destroyed again just because of this plague of streamers.


It is a problem when yhe best Bleed Build doesn’t really use a Bleed core or Basic? Lol.

If you haven’t notice, each Season there’s a very high damage multiplier for a specific skill. Like Charge for Season 3.

Meh. I don’t care how strong it is. I play what I find fun to play. In the end it’s your choice, but sure, balance is always welcome.

Dust devil builds are fun at first. However, after gathering GA2+ equipment and completing Tempering, all you have to do is push the Pit and join a party to kill 200 uber boss. Unfortunately, DPS of dust devil agains bosses is extremely low compared to meta builds so there will be no place for you there. So I would recommend switing to bash if you want to enjoy end game content.

thats why im leveling my second barb now… one for thorns/leap to push pits and uber bosses , and my second one for WW-DD speedfarming and collecting my 4th spark.

I hear you OP. I am in the same boat. Spent lots of gold going through various specs, landed on DS:DD and … respec’d to bash because it just is infinitely better than any DD build. Sad but there’s always next season to see what happens (also the mid season balance patch!)