The Dark Citadel = an in-game activity where you, as a solo player, can do nothing

Why are you doing this to me? Why, as a person who likes to look under every rock and have everything 100% complete, do I have to suffer because the development team does not have a clear vision for the game and turns everything upside down at any moment?

Why didn’t you describe this game as Massive Multiplayer Online when selling Diablo IV?

Following this logic, what can we expect next year? Maybe we can jump into cars and race like in Forza Horizon 5? Only in groups, of course.

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Hell yea! Get all the homies together, blast some ‘Highway to Hell’ from AC/DC, and just run over enemies. I’m sold, where do I sign up?

Would be better then jumping on top of a sorc this season, let me tell you they may be able to deal massive damage, but their core body strength needs some work. It’s sad when you can’t even carry an 80lb necro on your back.

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Just take the official survey. You are the boss here.

What I wonder… why do they introduce a mercenary system and then content we can’t do with mercenaries? Makes no sense.


Now this I agree with.

Thunderstruck > Highway to Hell



I agree with you, but thematically, Highway to Hell makes more sense, especially when I’m driving into the Infernal Hordes full throttle.

I know how it was. Sad men in suits (read: investors) told the owners of Blizzard:

  • “Hey! Let’s do raids like in World of Warcraft! There are always a lot of players there, and a lot of players means a lot of money!”

  • “Okay…”