The correct format for race to 100


Here’s my theory to how we fix this race to 100 debate. Lets do the golf style of tournament play where players can start over an extended period of time in a day, and it’s not first to finish, or in the case of D4, first to 100, but, first to 100 with the fastest playtime from first login.

The person who hits max level in the fastest time, who logged into the game within the first week of release (Day -4 being the start). This way, when someone dings level 100 first, the race is not over yet, it’s actually just beginning. Anyone who has less playtime than that person still has 1 week to finish the race, which keeps the viewers excited for another 7 days in hopes that someone beats the play time.

Blizzard could add an interactive site that shows player names, level, current play time for account and have it live feed into the site which will keep people’s interested. it would actually incentivize the race for an extended 1 week period and increase interest starting when the first player dings 100.

This gets rid of the “p2w” aspect of the “official” race and makes it much more into a competition on equal grounds over a weeklong start time event. Rather then having everyone lose interest the moment the first-person dings 100, the interest will increase exponentially once for the week following the first 100. This also incentivizes waiting 1 week to login so they can watch others play, which would be their choice and everyone has the opportunity to do that on an even field.

There are still flaws with this, but it at least puts everyone on an even playing field in terms of winning and having names engraved on the statue of Lillith.

Please keep things positive and on topic. If you hate golf, that’s fine, we don’t need to know that. It’s just a tournament format that keeps things fare while having different start times.

This is also how pole winners in most motor sports are achieved. Instead of first to finish, it’s fastest lap time.

Whoever gets 100 “First” does not get the achievement The achievement goes to the winner of the fastest time following 1 week from the activation of the timer. Getting world first only activates the 1 week timer, and does not earn the achievement.

Cheers, everyone

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The correct format for the 1st 1000 to 100 is the the 1st 1000 to 100 which is what we have.

I think you are missing the point that everyone is worried over. If it’s first to 100, then it’s a P2W concept since there is a $20 price tag. In Funny Car racing, it’s not first to the finish, it’s fastest to the finish. Instead of first to 100, it’s fastest to 100 in which the 1 week timer begins the moment someone dings 100 in HC. I know it’s a hard concept to grasp. They are not the first to 100, they are the fastest to 100 during that period of time. Race winners are not measured in first to finish, they are measured in quickest time spent during the race.

We are specifically speaking of races that have multiple start times.

It’s not $20 more to start 4 days early…it’s $20 cheaper to start 4 days late.

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Not everyone gets to start at the same time though, so playtime would be a great metric.

Just imagine going to the Olympics and as long as you slip the guy with the starting gun $20 you get to start early

I stopped caring by paragraph 2.

So you want the statue to say the “1st 1000 to 100 that started together 4 days later after 2000 others already did it”?

It’s not P2W. The game launches on the 1st for $90 dollars. Having a sale 4 days later doesn’t make it P2W. It’s just a marketing gimmick.

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So I can buy the game on another account, practice the perfect route then execute it when I’m happy with it on my main.


Maybe not for this, but I’d like to see that format for some of the leaderboards.

I understand, Diablo is a grinding game. But this is one aspect I did like of Diablo 3. You had the Greater Rift leaderboards which were grinding based, and you had the Conquest leaderboards as well as the Challenge Rift leaderboards which were skill based.

And that’s how I’d prefer to see it for Diablo 4.

The people who want to put in 500+ hours a season can go for the grinding leaderboards. And the people who don’t have as much time can go for the skill based leaderboards. It’s a compromise where everyone can end up with something.

You might have more sympathy from me if it was a race for solo world first, but its the first 1000…

If Blizz knew how much moaning was going to come out of this they probably would have just cancelled it and given nothing to anyone.

If you really want your name on the statue, find $20 and get ready to grind.