first off, this is probably the 100th time a topic like this is created, idk. I just want to put into words on why it’s the most glaring issue with D4, in my opinion, hopefully for some Dev to read (that is, if they frequent the forums for advice. No normal human being uses twitter/X)
- The D4 experience is defined by the character we play and level and how we progress our char.
- Character progression is defined by finding better gear (with more fitting affixes), by progressing in the skill tree and later by progressing in the paragon board. I got a feeling that gear/affix wise the devs are on the right track with S4, with the exception that the game needs like double the amount of aspects it has atm, to have a real choice. 1-2 (gimmicky) aspects every season feels like nothing and will always incite disappointmend. the paragon tree was, in my opinion, good from the beginning. big, time sink with definitive end in sight, feels like freedom. maybe needs more meaningfull nodes. but the bread and butter of character progression is the skilltree.
- the tree makes or breakes the fun in playing D4, because it’s the heart of char progression. In this case it breakes the experience.
- The defining characteristic of a skilltree are the branches. a branch is not supposed to be one or two nodes. it should be “branching” off into multiple different destinations resulting in different playstyles. Not just one different number somewhere in the code. It should play different, LOOK different. a branch should be a build defining choice.
- Why is it lacking? It basically falls short in every core aspect:
– The tree is missing the defining characteristic of a skilltree. making meaning full choices.
– if the tree is a twig and there is only one path, you can’t make meaningfull choices. As a result the character doesn’t feel like “my” character, but generic and swappable, no matter what level i am or what gear is equipped. I want to ponder and later have the feeling, that i found something.
– I don’t FEEL progression, when i choose a node in the skilltree. It’s always just a different number in some function in the code. Whatever happened, i don’t SEE IT. my skills don’t look different, they don’t have more oomph, they don’t fan out in a larger area. lvl 1-100 i’m killing mostly the same enemies with the same looking and feeling skill doing the same for 50 hours. That feels like standing still.
– No matter what node i choose, my playstyle is always the same. Maybe i see different numbers on the screen, maybe i don’t have to wait so long until i can use my skill again and see numbers on the screen. It feels like i always do the same with varying degrees of wating time. No choice to use my lifepoints instead of mana. No choice to do less damage but in a wider area. No choice to do more damage in a smaller area or by spending more mana. No choice to trigger skill B by using skill A. My whole playstyle would change with need for different affixes on gear and aspects. And these examples were the most basic ones.
– I don’t care that i’m able to clear the same content on level 100 that i was clearing at level 10. It doesn’t feel nice that at lvl 70+ i’m finally able to play generic Skill X build but without feeling crippled. My character at lvl 70+ should feel like a whole different build than at lvl 10, even using the same skill.
Honestly the skilltree feels like an afterthought or like it never made it out of the backlog during development and was scrambled together in the last sprint to have SOMETHING at release. For a game like D4 and for an arpg in general it’s astounding. But what’s more astounding is that it never changed and we’re nearing season 4. The argument about complexity flies out the window looking at how EVERYTHING else in D4 is designed to be a huge timesink and to drag out playing time. Oh you want to do a simple thing like reroll an affix on your gear? up until lvl 20 you could have used common monster drop A, but now you need rare monster drops B, C, D and E. Oh and E only drops on this event that only occurs every 2 hours, but only during a full moon. Oh you rolled crap? No problemo, just grind that **** for 10 hours, so you can reroll all you like (until you can’t afford it anymore after 3 tries). And there is no other way of changing an item, so in the trash it goes. Now go grind for another and do the same. And someone in some focus group was afraid of too much complexity for casual joe playing on his PS5 on his couch with his 3 kids and 9-5 job?