The Comprehensive Horde Improvement Thread! 😈

This post is how you can improve hordes in big ways. Long post please grab a snickers.

1] Wave 1 now includes a choice. The initial enemy is gone and replaced with a choice.
2] Horde compass are no longer needed. You can start whatever wave length you want at the horde location from 6 to 10 wave length. Mythic rarity compasses do drop with 11 (95%) or 12 (5%) wave length.
3] NEW chest added for 300 that only drops uniques with at least 1 with a GA. Other chest changed to just legendary items and also costs 300. (You would earn much more Aether in this version)
4] All items drop instantly without having to wait like a whisper.
5] Mythic chest has a 1% chance to appear at end for 1000 cost that contains 1 mythical item. This chest will not appear if you do not have 1000.
6] Wild Cards can appear south of the main choice area. There are 8 wildcards and a wildcard has a 20% chance to appear per wave. Wildcards can be skipped by not selecting them and selecting a choice like normal.

Black Joker - You can make 2 choices this round.
Purple Joker - Get a random option and multiply its effect by 2.
Blue Joker - Start next round with 4 events. Make a choice like normal.
White Joker - Rare joker. Choose all three choices.
Green Joker - Get a random choice and gain 50 Aether
Yellow Joker - Reroll the choices.
Orange Joker - Mythic Rarity Joker. Gain 1 wave length. Make a choice like normal.
Red Joker - Rare joker. Next wave is last wave. Gain 75 Aether. Useful if you just want gear or need to leave!

7] The choices need an overhaul. We have tons of hellborn and elite synergy but other synergy is lacking.

No Category 4
The Aether Rush OLD
Normal monster damage +25%
Gathering Aether increases movement speed (8s)

The Aether Rush NEW
Normal monster damage +25%
Completion of an event gives 1 Aether.

Burning Rain OLD
Hellfire rains upon you
At the end of each wave spawn 3-9 Aether

Burning Rain NEW
Hellfire rains upon you
At the end of each wave spawn 10 Aether

The Stalking Devil OLD
An Infernal Demon has your scent
Slay it to gain +25 Aether

The Stalking Devil NEW
An Infernal Demon has your scent
Slay it to gain +25 Aether and 25% Aether per Butcher you have slain this horde

The Exalted Hordes OLD and NEW (no change)
Normal monsters damage +25%
Killing them spawns Aether Events +50% faster

Hellborn 5
The Burning Hellborne OLD and NEW (no change)
Hellfire now spawns Hellborne
Hellborne drop 1 additional Aether|

The Summoned Hellborne OLD and NEW (no change)
Hellborne are hunting you
Hellborne grant +1 Aether

The Invigorating Hellborne OLD and NEW (no change)
Hellborne damage +25%
Slaying Hellborne invigorates you

The Surging Hellborne OLD and NEW (no change)
+1 Hellborne when spawned
Hellborne grant +1 Aether

The Exalted Hellborne OLD and NEW (no change)
Hellborne damage +25%
Hellborne grant +1 Aether

Fiends 4
The Bursting Fiends OLD
Elite damage +25%
Aether Fiends explode and damage foes

The Bursting Fiends NEW
Elite damage +25%
Aether Fiends explode and damage foes. Enemies killed this way drop +1 Aether.

The Exalted Elite OLD and NEW (no change)
Elite damage +25%
Aether Fiends grant +2 Aether

The Surging Elite OLD and NEW (no change)
Chance for Elite to spawn is doubled
Aether Fiends grant +2 Aether

The Unstoppable Elite OLD and NEW (no change)
Elites are Unstoppable
Aether Fiends grant +2 Aether

Spires 4
The Corrupting Spires OLD
Soulspires empower nearby foes
Soulspires pull foes inward

The Corrupting Spires NEW
Soulspires empower nearby foes
Soulspires spawn enemies while a player is inside it.

The Draining Spires OLD and NEW (no change)
Soulspires drain Life
Soulspires grant +2 Aether

The Insatiable Spires OLD and NEW (no change)
Soulspires require 2x kills
Soulspires grant 2x Aether

The Twisting Spires NEW ADDITION
Soulspires drain barrier and give it to enemies
Soulspires give +1 Aether per soulspire closed this round.

Council 1
The Enfeebled Wanderer OLD
Potion Cooldown is increased by 2 seconds
Defeating Fell Council grants +15 Aether

The Withered Wanderer OLD
-10% All Resistances
Defeating the Fell Council grants +15 Aether

The Exalted Council OLD
Fell Council damage +50%
Defeating them grants +15 Aether

The Exhausted Wanderer OLD
Evade Cooldown is increased by 2 seconds
Defeating Fell Council grants +15 Aether
-10% All Resistances

The Wanderer NEW ADDITION as it combine all other wanderer into 1 really nice choice
One at random:
A Evade Cooldown is increased by 2 seconds
B Fell Council damage +50%
C Potion Cooldown is increased by 2 seconds
D -10% All Resistances
Defeating Fel council multiplies Aether score by 15%.

Masses 5
The Bursting Masses OLD
Masses deal unavoidable damage
Wave start, spawn an Aetheric Mass

The Bursting Masses NEW
Masses deal unavoidable damage
Wave start, spawn 2 Aetheric Masses

The Exalted Masses OLD
Aetheric Mass damage +25%
Aetheric Mass grants +1 Aether

The Exalted Masses NEW
Aetheric Mass damage +25%
Aetheric Mass grants +2 Aether

The Gorging Masses OLD
Slaying Aetheric Mass slows you (8s)
While slowed this way, you have unlimited resources

The Gorging Masses NEW

The Teeming Masses OLD
Masses spawn an Aether Lord on death
Aether Lords grant +3 Aether

The Teaming Masses NEW
Masses spawn either an Aether lord, hellborn, elites, or butcher, on death.
Mass spawns drop +3 Aether

The Creeping Masses NEW ADDITION
Masses drain potion charges.
Masses must be defeated twice.

Lords: 3
The Summoned Lords OLD and NEW (no change)
Aether Lords now spawn
They grant +3 Aether

Lords attack faster
Lords Spawn in pairs

Lords have pockets of smaller enemies.
Lords drop +10 Aether in soulspires.

Did I do good guys? :pray:

Any ideas for Gorgling Masses? I hit a roadblock!

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after doing thousands upon thousands of pits and hordes no change will make them better until loot itself is better.
this goes for NMDs and UC as well.
can’t speak for the forced co-op area.

Im a simple man.

I just want to be able to go past 10 waves. Just lemmie keep going, increasing the difficulty each wave.


Honestly, there is so much they could do with this to make it more engaging. One thing I didn’t like in what you put is having to kill soulspires twice. Unless they spawn a LOT of enemies, this feels like a punishment. They would need to make sure the x2 multiplier really could become a great run.

On that note, every type of run you make if you get lucky enough to stack that one thing, should become a great run. I was very disappointed they did nothing with this event except nerf rewards for the expansion. Every season should do something fun and different.

For the Gorging masses, if not changing anything, at the very least, add a +2

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u like???

Only if I can get it after every run lol

I don’t think they need another way to guarantee mythics. Trading two in to target the ones you need already makes it too easy. I’d rather see a very rare scroll that adds a random GA, that binds an item so trade isn’t affected, than another source of mythics. This way you can get the GAs on gear that you are using over time, while still able to sell the lucky finds.


very nice. I like this. thank you.

Its only a 1% chance at end of a horde to have the mythic chest and only if you got 1000 aether.

Some of these are very interesting, but I have to agree that its the rewards that are most underwhelming. I think I would take more of a practical outlook on them based on their definition.

For instance:
gorging - to consume, usually to the point of revulsion
—So why not have this mass consume health/resource at a percentage rate and give out aether appropriately for keeping its consumption from filling?

Teeming - to be present in large quantity
—So have this guy shoot out spores upon spore of the little explosive creatures till destroyed. This would fill the screen up with more lil monsters and thereby speed up other aether spawns. Upon destruction chance to spawn hellbornes, butchers, yada yada

Exalted - elevated in power, rank or character
—25% dmg like usual, but after destroyed releases a could of hate: monsters in cloud become enlarged and enraged +2 aether

Anyway you see where I am going with this… the description should exemplify the action.

-I would like a wave like this: There is no more time and enemies will appear and become more difficult until your death.

This is dangerous as SB could probably get to wave 50 or something and get 1 million aether per run after 50 wave bonuses.

If 10 meteors fall on his head, he should die, if that doesn’t work lock him for 15 seconds.hehehehe