The Case in Favor of a S4 Auction House 🏠

No real player wants Auction House. But please let us keep reporting you

Well its not needed. Gold is like money IRL. Banknote it self also has almost no value its just paper with ink.

Too much to read lel

NP all of us are really happy you at least find time to share with us your abilitiy to hold attention like two year old :smiley:

I am also against the idea of AH. Unfortunately, I do think one needs to be implemented. Some of your restrictions are good I just don’t believe they will be implemented.
Even the faction system over on LE was quickly reversed and people could sell anything as soon as they joined the AH.
It will lead to more RMT but lets be honest that is already here and it is not going away.

Can you please explain to me how AH would lead to more RMT?

no need to waste attention,

i saw few “fees” and that was enough for me

I will give you an example.

  • You want purchase 3 billion gold.
  • You go to a RMT site and pay for the gold with real money.
  • You add a item to the AH for 3 billion gold.
  • RMT site buys the item at 3 billion gold.

That’s why gold needs to be bound to account, no trading at all outside AH, if a person want’s 3 billion gold the only way is to farm it and/or sell items on the AH (actually playing the game).

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Yeah this is possible, but it is more difficult way than current system.
So I think you can´t tell AH will lead to more RMT.

It will be at worse scenario same as now, but rest comunity will finaly have some trading system.

It is about the same as what is happening now. The difference is you would not have to be online to get the gold.
This is the reason I went from against AH to indifferent.

If gold is not account bound and is still tradeable this will in fact still lead to RMT happening. One thing I could say, the RMT wouldn’t become less, but there could be a slight increase because gold = currency for the AH and gold is still tradeable.

Which thus would lead to gold farmers (botters) to sell via 3rd party websites.

Absolutely no AH without SSF mode. Its a package deal.

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It was stated that with AH person to person trade should be forbid.

as long as gold is bound and only useable on NPC and AH and every item is bound outside of AH (outside of uber being totally bound) : it won’t lead to more RMT on the contrary it’ll drastically reduce RMT since everything would have to go from the AH and no more personal trade

if they would reduce RMT even more they would need to make it so everyone would have to pay mat for duriel

Personally I prefer person to person trade. That makes the game more social does it not?

Which is exactly why any AH will fail. Cheaters will always find a way to exploit the system. In the entire history of the Human Race there has never been a way to stop criminal behavior.

Buy costumes with gold !!! ABSOLUTELY HARD NO. why should some basement sweaty neck beard be able to earn the same costume i paid 50 bucks for !!! NO NO NO.

The rest of the points are valid. With some control it can be good. Items shoul be capped for gold like BDO so inflation doesnt run high. Otherwise we would easily get items listed for stupid amount of gold.

Not sure if looking at pixels of character or pixels of AH is more social but for sure I rather use antisocial AH than 3rd party website to meet someone char in game.

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In game AH will encourage botters to bot hard lmao…
So no…

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