The Case in Favor of a S4 Auction House 🏠

I dont see this working without being free market. Bliz setting prices is a recipe for disaster.

Im not asking for it. Im not asking for any of this. I made a post supporting the other side.

I proposed a way to do AH that also earns Blizzard money with a non-intrusive way to do things. No slots are tied to $. You get fee reductions and cosmetics.

I think this is a fun way to implement some fun way to interact with AH and improve your trader status.

Perhaps up to 30% is a bit much and 25% or 20% should be max.

There are a few reasons for this. One, being drop rates where so abysmal that we where forced to use the AH. Two it was the RMAH that was the worst part. Had drop rates not be complete trash, and had the AH just been an AH, it wouldn’t of received as much negative feedback.

Now LE has a AH, though it’s part of one of two factions (trade and ssf). Items gotten through trade cannot be re sold, or trade/gifted, as they are marked as trade items. Just as for the ssf faction can not be say sent to an alt in the trade faction in sold, since items gotten through CoF are marked as such.

And this works fine honestly. Point is, an AH can work if it is implemented properly. Though I prefer just having normal trade honestly.

The drop rate was so low, because of the RMAH. I think we both agree on the fact the RMAH was the real source of every problem. But if the drop rate was good sure the market would have vast quantities of specific items. Which thus potentially could drop the “Real Money” value.

The thing about the RMAH was the fact you could sell gold for real money. This introduced nothing but botters who ran %gold find gear to farm gold and sell. The “godly” drop was just like winning the lottery.

I can agree that an AH could work properly if implemented properly. But given the track record… Not saying they couldn’t make it work, i just have a feeling it would be messed it lol.

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If they ever add AH to the game I hope they will also remove trading outside of AH and make gold bound to account.

But with the new itemization I don’t feel the need for AH anymore tbh.

what are u talking about the trading is even worse, so making that system open for all and centralised in game is still a 100 times better then needing to use 3rd party websites, which is a atrocity. At least then its fairer.

Dont get me wrong i hate any form of trading in arpgs, cause it invites every manner of abuse, but since we have to deal with it until they finally decide to implement ssf modes i rather have something ingame that at least tries to be fair.

The D3 AH was a disaster. I do not want a repeat of those problems. Make everything BOA to avoid all the cheaters and dupers.


I’ll take another rmah. Still got $300 in my balance from those days of taking advantage of whales.

Fun times, sold quite a few capped price items

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My AH does this. Anything bought becomes bound. Should solve many issues with AH.

And yes dupes and cheaters need to be solved once and for all. We cant have dupes every season.

idk why people always bring rmt/p2w and AH together.
Real money AH is bad thing.
Gold AH or some curency is a MUST thing in every game with trading.

The solution for loud minority who don’t want open trading in a game is simple: 2 leagues with trading and SSF type based. That’s all, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. And it’s basically a golden standart for any modern ARPG.

Nothing to discuss here.

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Surprisingly I read the entire thing. One thing I will say is no. No to the “premium AH” where the player must pay for additional functionality in the AH. All the functionality should be there if we get one.

If you want an AH, the best AH requested should be a WoW AH clone. Diablo Immortal has an AH and it is trash with its premium currency BS.

Just let players go to a Major city hub and post items on the AH for gold. AH takes a handling fee and players can trade item bases as well as certain materials. Keep it simple to start but allow for additional functionality for future content. No real money. Just ingame items for ingame gold.

same here, it would highly reduce RMT.
because as it is, diablo 4 might become sooner or later like D2R a bot and rmt wasteland.
and i personally don’t want to see that.

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Just so there is no confusion premium slots do not require premium AH membership to use. I should have just called these rare slots or something!

You do not need premium membership to use all parts of AH. Its just reduced fees, some cosmetics, and faster chat in trade.

AH with gold will just mean people buying gold with RMT and gold farmers setting up shop. Soon, inflation will be stupid, anything worth having will be priced at the cap, and anyone who doesn’t get lucky with a drop they can sell won’t be able to afford anything without RMT (or botting).

No. No trading. You should be able to earn anything you want without having to play Arabian Bazaar Simulator.

If an SSF shard is enabled at the same time I could live with it, but I honestly don’t understand the appeal. Who wants to be able to instantly buy everything they want in a game like this? Earning it yourself is at least half the fun (not to mention a substantial part of what endgame there is).

I would support this idea as well so I could join that one. Maybe it has boosted rate of drops too but minimal like 10%.

I agree with your perspective if D4 was D3. There are some major differences though. First crafting items from materials isn’t a thing so all items need to be dropped. This means the game needs to be played in order to post. They can even limit the number of posts a single character can do to prevent spam like the OP suggested.

Next gold is a scarce resource. No matter how much I earn, I still find myself running out in the endgame whether it is rerolls or whatever. This makes buying anything on the AH with gold a rare occurrence. In D3, gold just rained from the sky and you ended up with 3 or more times the amount you needed making gold not matter. Gold does actually matter in D4 though. In order to prevent gold selling is just to make gold non-tradable.

As long as these conditions are present, I don’t think an AH will be a big issue.

Now if you ask me whether I would prefer an AH or crafting items from raw materials, I would much prefer to craft items from raw materials every day of the week.

Right? I still don´t undrestand why people think AH would lead to more RTM… its exactly opposite.

  1. make AH with just gold.
  2. make all tradeable just in AH
  3. disable person to person trade.

There you go RMT fixed.


yeah i agree but only problem that i see here is gold being not a good currency. We need smthing like co from poe or at least runes from d2.


I find PoE currencies interesting, considering it has use in craft, but if gold suits just for trading I see no problem with it.

this would be indeed great , said so too in previous posts.
it still allow trading while giving a huge blow to RMT and third party website in general.

i don’t think that gold will have enough value, especially after changes in s4.