The Butcher Effect

I will say that there was 1 thing that made dungeons a little more exciting and scary was The Butcher randomly spawning in as a bonus boss to wreck your face. I would like Blizzard to keep the Butcher in as a random dungeon mechanic. It keeps you on your toes. It doesn’t have to be necessarily the Butcher. It can be any demon or monster really. As long as it has a high health pool, increased attack speed, increased damage, and says something creepy like The Butcher’s catch phrase when it attacks.

Personnally, I had seen The Butcher 3 times during the early access beta. First 2 times, I got wrecked. The third time, I was sufficiently geared in order to take him down with my Barbarian and he dropped a legendary as a reward. That felt like I really earned that legendary and it was an appropriate reward.


I only saw him once and I think he’s probably overturned. I’d be scared to ever encounter him in HC, and not in a fun way

what random named monster would you want to put in other than the butcher? i think andariel is part of the storyline so probably cant be her. but it would be cool going into a room and getting poison sprayed in my face and 6 arms choking me out.

It could even just be some of the unique monsters from say diablo 2. Like Calenzo/Rakenishu/Bishbosh for the fallen, or Ventar the Unholy for demons etc. Would be a cool throwback and provide random challenge/reward scenarios.

I love this idea. Maybe turn it off on HC lol.


I never ran into the butcher. Didn’t know that was a thing. :frowning:

lol now that is a great idea. him running around with uber electric enchant with slow aura yelling “rakinisu”

I used to play a game that had this rare box item that would randomly spawn ANY monster from the game but at complete random. Something like this with a group outside of town is pure joy.

Perhaps a “Goblin” dungeon or “Chaos” dungeon mode that allows for similar things to happen wouldn’t hurt. The warning might spoil it a little bit but considering there’s still only a chance some super-boss (a lvl 2 fallen but with stats of a boss?) might spawn isn’t too far away from the same thing.

Yea he definitely ain’t the D3 butcher… I never saw him in game but on someone’s stream, but that would have to been great to relive the anxiety of “AHHHHH… fresh meat” and being unable to get away fast enough lol

Honestly I think he is fine as it is with vs the scaling. They could actually double his spawn chance and he would be even better.

I would say that it doesn’t have to be a known boss like the Butcher. It could be a Vampire, Demon, Werewolf, the Ghost of your former Diablo character, the demonized form of your former Diablo character, a lieutenant of Hell (there were several named and unnamed under the Prime and Lesser Evils), or a Ghost of someone you had to kill in D4, D3, D2, or D1. There is ton of inspiration really. It seems like a mechanic that i remember in other games called the “Nemesis” mechanic. Rather than losing to a monster and it coming back randomly leveled up to haunt you, it could be a monster or demon you provoked by killing its kin or something.

It’s a fun mechanic. Looks like according to a recent article interview with Joe and Rod they want to add more of that elsewhere in the game. It reminds of Nemesis or Mr. X in the RE series which act as this practically unstoppable force that terrorizes you through the game. It’s a good horror mechanic. Definitely would like to see it more often in the game even in the open world and expanded upon.

It would actually be really cool to see in nightmare dungeons as one of the modifiers where the butcher or any contrived monster just chases you down the whole dungeon.

To any who said they felt it was “over tuned”. There is no over tuning this type of mechanic - that’s just not how it works. It’s meant to be over tuned.

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It’s fun alright, unless you’re playing hardcore. I’d like to see Butcher with a softer spawn, meaning upon spawning you’re attacked but the first attack cant deal any more than 50% of your health. This way it gives you a chance to heal and prepare for a bigger fight. I’m sure other Hardcore players would agree.

First time me and my friend ran into him we wiped. The second time we saw him, we killed him by kiting his behind. The third time Butcher showed up, it was free loot. The fourth time he came into the dungeon it was like, “Why is he still trying?”

I would say that in Hardcore, The Butcher doesn’t spawn until the mid game (30+) where your character has a higher chance of surviving the experience. I was able to kill the Butcher at 25 with semi build optimization. I think being only able to spawn at level 30+ would give Hardcore players a chance to get geared and prepared enough for the fight. I dont want them to nerf the experience of the Butcher for Hardcore players. Its supposed to be Hardcore. :rofl:

they should add some more elements like this, reminds me of the nemesis system on the console version of D3… pretty cool addition…

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Yeah thats the thing. It has to be tuned right to do what its supposed to as a fundamental mechanic.

Honestly I think the tuning is just right for The Butcher. It kills you and scares you out the gate when you see him at low levels. Once you get higher level and some skills/gear, The Butcher is just a challenging boss.

My one wish is for Blizzard to ship The Butcher as is. No changes for non-hardcore.

Have you played the game in hardcore mode? It is a fun interaction, but not as random as low-level spawns unless you are stacked with a scroll of escape.

This is why I said no changes for non-hardcore. The Butcher does its job in the normal game. I will agree however that Hardcore is different and you will need time to prepare for The Butcher. This is why I said to have him spawn at level 30+ for Hardcore. Having a nerfed Butcher in Hardcore versus a stronger Butcher in softcore diminishes the accomplishment of killing The Butcher for Hardcore. This is why they should leave the Butcher’s tuning as it is but just spawn it later for Hardcore to give them a chance.

Also I have played Hardcore and I dont enjoy wasting time. Losing all character progress for dying once doesnt feel good to me. That said I do sympathize with Hardcore on The Butcher. The Butcher is very soloable at level 25. At level 30+, any Hardcore player worth their salt will be able to solo The Butcher.