The 2.0 PTR: What You Need to Know

The 2.0 PTR: What You Need to Know

Crusade against Hell’s grasp on Sanctuary in the 2.0 PTR. Join the carnage using your PC account.

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This is basically D5 :slight_smile:


How do I “crusade” with no Crusader???



that ultimately non-streamer players’ opinions are 100% irrelevant to you, as per always.


That Blizzard doesn’t value Eternal players and constantly nerfs gear every season. This will result in loss of players. D4 dev team is the worst in history.


All I need to know is you said we don’t care about anything but seasons
Eternal players have to reset AGAIN and refarm
Confirm today that Eternal is a glorified season wardrobe and not a realm you should play



Stop target farming the wrong audience



is a weird choice for difficulty…

While playing in Torment Difficulties, your armor and Resistances are reduced as follows:

Torment 1: -250 Armor and -25% All Resist
Torment 2: -500 Armor and -50% All Resist
Torment 3: -750 Armor and -75% All Resist
Torment 4: -1000 Armor and -100% All Resist

is this on top of the already lower res you get or does this mean non torment lvls wont effect your res like current world tiers do?

Monsters will no longer have their level displayed and will scale to the Difficulty you’re playing on.

Developer’s Note: We received feedback at launch about level scaling and feeling weak. By removing monster levels entirely and leaning into Difficulty, you now have the freedom to more precisely choose your challenge level

really hope this goes better than WoW’s attempt at this did…as you never felt stronger sicne enemy’s health scaled to you. (and ppl whining abotu stuff dying so fast…just play higher pit lvls where they alreayd scaled high?)

Diablo is a game where you end up overpowered vs enemies. (i mean you canonically kill lords of hell so what hope is mere hellspawn after that?)

Upgrading a Glyph is no longer driven by experience. Instead, you’re given attempts to increase your Glyph’s Rank by completing Pit Tiers.
Three attempts to upgrade your Glyph’s Rank are rewarded for successfully completing the Artificer’s Mastery, and a bonus attempt for not dying.
Each upgrade attempt can be used to increase any Glyph that isn’t already at max level. The chance to upgrade your Glyph is based on the level of the Glyph and the Tier of the Pit you complete. For example, completing a Pit Tier that is 10 higher than your Glyph’s Rank guarantees an upgrade Rank.
Completing a Pit Tier that is significantly higher than your Glyph’s current Rank grants bonus upgrade ranks per attempt.

this is not really fixing issue more of making 1 issue another issue.

this is bonus for people who know how to maximize builds to push pits, but a massive nerf to those who cant push deep in pit as now they cant increase Glyphs via NMD. Should of just left old system in palce & added the new pit version on top for those who dont want to farm NMDs.

To make a Runeword, you must socket a Rune of Ritual and a Rune of Invocation into an item containing two Sockets, such as Chest, Leg, and Two-Handed weapon slots.

if this means you cant use em with a 1h/oh then thats a bad system. You shouldnt punish a weapon type choice by removing ability to use a feature.

also why did necro minions get nerfed via paragon boards?
Minions already have issues surviving (god forbid poison melts em even w/ maxed res for it) and you are removing more durability for dmg? They cant do dmg if they are dead. We have been down this road before and was entire point of them getting buffed in durability again :expressionless: (and minion build wasnt S tier anyways so wtf?)

The following Shrines now scale off of Weapon Damage, similar to Skills.

    Artillery Shrine
    Blast Wave Shrine
    Conduit Shrine

about time. conduit shrine will no longer be a mistake to accidently click

For Necro Tempering recipes at 4 options, wouldn’t it make more sense to create an “Ultimate Augments” recipe and move all ultimate skills to this one. Then you would have one 4 option recipe while reducing the current other 4 down to 3 for better RNG

Ew that’s not good at all. They should deff scale off of the difficulty of the enviornment you are in. It seems alot of people jumped right into D4 without playing D3. The shrines were very beneficial pushing the highest tier content. Now it will be completely worthless to click them as they will be doing extremely low damage compared to your character.

i think you misudnerstand how it would work.

They likely have a baseline dmg and then a % of ur weapon dmg on top so it is 100% always a buff to have them.
(at least what i understood of it)
currently conduit is 100% a nerf to your dmg output once ur moderately geared.

Oh they even managed to put the word “CRUSADE” in there. Just to piss few more off for not having Paladin or Crusader in the Xpack :smiley:

and I’m here for it :thinking: :upside_down_face: :love_you_gesture:

I said the same thing😃. Looking forward to the PTR.

:coffee: Ok, I have rested now and ready to give proper feedback:

  • I’m happy that you addressed the most distracting issue, which was too much loot. I think it was the right decision to disable rare items for now until you figure things out. Thanks to hotfix, the game is playable again and I am able to continue tinkering with stuff in Season 5.

  • I’m conserned about the future of Eternal realm, because you decided to take D3’s direction. For me, the only way to enjoy a game like D3 is without seasonal resets. Also, I hate Greater Rifts and the Pit.

  • I do not like the idea of leveling Glyphs

  • The difficulty changes look stupid complex

  • I have no plans to buy VoH, the game is not stable enough

  • PTR 2.0 sounds fun, but I don’t know if this game is going to offer anything to me after it’s converted to D3

Yea! 20 Crusaders required.

Conduit will still be terrible, unless cdr/attack speed/movement speed get added. Conduit attack is just way too slow, and you move slower. If you have minions, they go away, too. Plus… -NEW- Rubewords aren’t going to work with it.

The only tradeoff is the invulnerability. But I’d rather just have Protection Shrine at that point.

They won’t affect your armor/resists anymore on any difficulty levels below Torment. The new difficulty levels, Normal, Hard, Expert, Penitent won’t give any debuffs so to speak. You also can’t unlock Penitent until you reach 60, and you can’t unlock your first Torment difficulty until you beat Pit Tier 20 anyway.

so PTR comes out sep 4th when VoH launches sep 8th ??

so zero feedback/changes going into VOH, you guys just bug checking ???

are we getting paid to report bugs ? or some instore plat ??

VoH launches Oct 8th. Wake me up when September ends.

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