Thanks for killing the Druid till next season

I have 2 druids that are 74 and have been loving them but they now will have to be put on the shelf till next season. The reason is because you (blizzard) said that you will not fix the loot pools of the Druid till next season. That is such a pile of crap. That should be a high priority that should be fixed asap. Reason being is I have no chance of getting any unique upgrade, and lvl 65 one can only take you so far. Thanks for having me waste over 200 hours on this class.


You should learn how loot tables work before complaining about them being broken.

the only thing broken is that 2hā€™s for druids roll unique way more often then they should. This isnā€™t taking away other uniques from you. Thats not how the system has ever worked.

You can say anything you want about loot table, but between me and my friends that have been only playing Druid, In the last couple of days we have collectively gotten about 20 uniques, 1 frost burn, 1 chill boot and the rest barb gear.


Two Vasily and a Crone staff just today. But those arenā€™t even my best drops. I finally got a max roll of the umbral ring. A legendary which impacts my build more than any unique.

NGL wish I could use that Hellhammer though. Looks pretty damn sweet.

I believed so hard I will never see Tempest Roar that I went full human form damage and human glyph for my storm build. Lvl 85, 9 barbarian uniques later and still no Tempest Roar. :frowning: my build feels so left behind without it, but it still works phenomenally.

Pics or it didnā€™t happen

Putting your friends and your unique allocation into a giant pool and going ā€œsee theres a lot of barb thingsā€ is the worst way to quantify that data. Donā€™t be foolish.

What a hypocritical statement. You need it to function but it works phenomenally without it? so you donā€™t actually need it then.

I find alot of barb stuff aswell and wanted to complain about it, but i also find alot of druid uniques that would make my complain invalid.

5 gibbous
1 tempest
2 crone with +6 shred
6 vasilys
4 madwolf armor
1 bear armor
3 zeniths
2 companion pants
not sure but maybe 7-8 butch cleavers

Just farm high density normal dungeons and u will have what i have.