Thank You for Listening

Thank you Blizzard for listening to us and increasing the drop rate for iron and hide. It is a good thing when developers listen!

when did this happen?


Can you share what you are smoking?


See the latest release notes

They released a patch i think yesterday. Some activities and rewards were significantly buffed. You wouldnt know that reading all the QQ from those who just want to stand in front of blacksmith 24/7 until they get what they want.

Would LOVE to see them say it in the patch notes so we know about these things not just… we fixed random bugs

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Honestly yes, thanks Blizzard.

With Opals up you can now finally farm a good amount of mats and it doesn’t involve sitting for 6 hours in boss rotations.

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Its only a stop gap. There are still huge amounts of game crashing which they have yet to figure out.

NMDs will now net much more crafting materials.