Thank you for all these changes to reduce loot

Loot from bosses is dropping by 92 % in season 8? What is the point of playing? I am serious. I play to gain loot to fill out my codex and enjoy the game. You are going to great;y reduce the legendary drops and eliminate them before level 60? Well I guess I will not get any head start on leveling my codex. These changes are all terrible. I am not sure if I have read them correctly I hope not but if I have then this goes to further prove the people who make the changes do not play the game. These changes if proven true will make me seriously consider stop playing this game which I have enjoyed.

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You got that from where?
Go play the PTR before stating something that’s not true…

Do not have game on pc and read article from the press. I also put a question mark after it. So how do you know my statement is untrue?

Do you read it from a Bli$$ oficial press release or comunication?
Or you automatically believe everything you read on a single press without official confirmation from the Dev’s or another source??

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I believed a publication covering the ptr because it seems in line with the whole approach they seem to be taking to season 8 make it more difficult and make less loot available. Do I know what will be in season 8, no I do not.

Regardless of the truth, this reflects poorly on Blizzard. Someone who plays the game found it believable enough that Blizzard would do this and didn’t immediately think they should fact-check it.

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So if you do not know if it’s for S8 or not, why you post such flaming thread?

Get your news straight before making fake posts…

To be fair - he asked a question. So just answer it… No OP. They are tuning it towards playing solo which many of us do :slight_smile:

Bro, the onus is on you to prove its true, not on the audience to disprove it.


It is true. I’m guessing you missed a campfire chat!

Just ignore troll’s , make your statements and ignore them since your statement is meant for blizzard and these types of responses are obviously meant to be counter propaganda.

Yea copium players definitely

But that’s another problem this ss was promoting playing with others lol :rofl: make us spend 40$ 80$ for dlc that revloves around playing with others…