Thank u for working hard Blizz!

It really means a lot that blizzard is burning the midnight oil making sure this game is as good as it can possibly be.

I understand that people are excited to play, bu, be patient. Good things come to those who wait!


I’m sorry but the facts of being delayed doesn’t bother me that much. BUT, why don’t you get off your knees and at least see the communication or lack of it.

They asked people to be there at launch, gave us all times and then delayed with some stupid PR speak, and CM get pissed when they are called out for being too soft.

It is just a game and i have others to play so ive been doing this, but as a customer we have a right to not be happy with blizzard and voice that feeling. if you don’t like people complaining follow your own advice and be patient and wait for your screen to say go.

you all need to stop preaching to others HOW to act, it’s their money they spent they have a right to be upset cause of this BS PR speak. It’s like blizzard and other companies KNOW they can yank people around and the sheep will be ok with it.

Blizzard and the cm’s don’t care about us never did.

In short let people vent, and stop telling people what to do.


Working so hard that crashing and disconnects are still a major issue for a large percentage of players almost a week in, not to mention the steam debacle, oh and major seasonal and game mechanics being completely broken… Game is broke af.
It would be one thing if this was a free season, i doubt you’d see people so up in arms. But this was an overpriced expansion that completely made the game unplayable for a lot of people.

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Fairly certain the forums would be flooded with hundreds to thousands of posts if it was the majority. I’m not saying it isn’t an issue, it absolutely is, but I question your statement of it affecting a large percentage of the player base is all.

The rest of your post I have no issues with though.

Ummm… the forums are flooded with these complaints.

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There’s been a handful in all honesty, usually by the same people chiming into new threads that pop up. Count the total amount I’d say it’s roughly about 30+ people, not anywhere close to 100 or 1000 for that matter.

Remember the forums are the vocal minority, not the vast majority, we always have been.

Considering a post started yesterday has over 100 msgs I don’t care to go count individual complaints but I did see a lot of new users with very few posts from this subject and considering most people won’t come to the forums I’d say the problem is probably bigger than you think.

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I know the post you’re talking about, it got into various discussions between several posters. Just constantly talking over each other, the same people mind you.

The issue is big, I’m not discrediting people being unable to play, I’m saying it’s not the majority, that’s literally all I’m saying. If you had a room full of 50,000 people, and 1000 were complaining, would you consider that the majority?

That’s not the only one tho, there is multiple DC threads with over 100 posts, that one is almost at 200 now, if people that bought my game aren’t able to play because of technical problems on my end I would consider it a massive problem personally

Again not the point, at all. I can’t explain it any better I’m sorry.

Here I’ll make this easy, YES they should work on this problem for those affected, it should be the top priority. In fact every hotfix we have had has said:

However those same people complaining, if this actually fixed their problem, they don’t come back and say ‘thank you for fixing my problem’. So it’s hard to get an estimate just how many people this is affecting.

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Exactly, vocal minority come to the forums. Most people will just quit with these issues, especially constant crashing… which says even more, when there is post after post about crashing effecting players. Like i dont even have to search for them, there are multiple posts just in the front page. Also, never said it was a majority, large percentage could be anywhere from 20-30%, possibly more… either way, thats a lot of players with a broken game they paid for.

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I’d consider a ‘large percentage’ over half, so that’s where we clashed, apologies.

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I should have been more specific :crazy_face:

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