Tempest Roar Needs to Change

I have just reached level 100 on my Druid, and have yet to see even one tempest roar helmet. I have seen the werebear helmet about 7 times. I have done almost exclusively NM dungeons, and I have received essentially every other unique multiple times. I made a Druid solely to play the tornado werewolf build, this is my second class. About half of the best builds require this helmet. This has been infuriating to deal with, I feel like I’ve wasted 100+ hours on the class. This makes me really dislike the game right now, and definitely the Druid.

I think something needs to be done about this, this is ridiculous. We had a way to target unique items with helltides, which was removed like a day later because of some stupid super-uniques that no one cares about. I would rather those be removed from the game than get rid of the target farming of uniques, wtf is this new decision? Another option could be to redesign Druid so that neither this unique, nor the werebear helm, are required to make the build function, but instead enhance the builds in some way.

I’m trying not to just rant and be negative, but this is unbelievable at this point. I loved the game before this, and this seriously makes me want to quit the game. I can’t imagine that I am alone in this, many people are complaining about the tempest roar drop rate.


Do we really need another post about this? How about replying to one of the many threads whining about it not dropping. Uniques are unique, they shouldn’t be dropping constantly else why even make them unique. I grind NMD and have had multiple of each unique drop. I can show you in game that I have 6, all 800+…grind and you’ll get them.


Not everyone is getting them, even after extensive amounts of “grinding”.
150+ hours on my Druid & still looking for Tempest Roar.
d4armory. io/?account=EruEllimist-1162&hero=f38a3530-00d1-11ee-bf0f-790228f34fe1

I am also going to quote myself from another post in response for you…


“grind and you’ll get them”
yeah sure.

meanwhile, you play 100 hours as the same build and get super bored of druid because you literally have 1 other build that doesnt require tempest roar to be viable. Its pretty stupid that every werewolf build basically requires tempest roar. it wouldnt even be bad if they had like a weaker version of the power from the uniques as shop only legendary powers.


Best idea i’ve heard is to make TR and Vasily’s a node in the ultimate ( last cluster) section of our skill trees. Problem solved, no more bad rng thus we can’t make the strongest build (and several others) the class has to offer.


I hit lvl 100 tonight. I hadn’t gotten one until lvl 96 (and I had been spamming the dungeons that are supposed to have a higher chance at dropping it as much as I could). I didn’t even care for it anymore when I got it as I was running some sort of landslide build.

Then I eventually went back to auto-attack werewolf build with a tweak of my own with tempest roar. Finished the grind to 100 and got 3 more that dropped for me today alone from like lvl 97 to 100… I would obviously have been happy to trade all 3 extra ones for something good for an alt but Blizzard decided that we can’t trade these items so I had to salvage them and get the same out of them as I would have from salvaging a lvl 10 legendary… which doesn’t make much sense if you ask me.

I could have gotten it at lvl 60 or never gotten one for 2 more months straight, it’s completely random but I don’t think a class should be designed around uniques for most of its builds to work properly when we have no control over acquiring these uniques and the players cannot trade the extra ones they find.

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Buddy, you would be singing a different tune if you never had one. Trust me it is infuriating! Be glad that you are lucky today but that lucky will definitely run out.


Alternatively just make it a legendary Aspect from the codex.


Until the drop rate is buffed to equal Vasilly’s then yes. Complain and moan but above all else POST EVERY SINGLE DAY, remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease.


I’ve gotten more Tempest Roar than Vasily.

Random drops are funny like that.


You must love a lot of caps then?

Well, 260 hours now on my druid, been level 100 for ages. I’ve opened all Mystery Chests and Protection Helm at every Helltide I can go to, now all Protection since the changes. I double open the Mystery Chests when get a reset spawn. I’ve cleared up to NMD 91.

What’s a Temptest Roar again?


It’s still unbelievable ppl, the frustration is real. Every other unique drop with a certain frequency, but the TR feel like an uber rare at this point, especially after hundreds of hours of grinding. cant’ wait to loot it at lvl 100 :confused:

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I’ll trade my Tempest Roar frequency for someone’s Waxing Gibbous frequency. I need a better one, but have only found one.

I mean, it’s kind of true about grinding and you’ll get one. I leveled up to 83 before actively deciding I wanted to try and “farm” for one.

Then I ended up doing four dungeons that supposedly had the highest chance to drop it since the mobs in there have a higher chance of dropping items of specific slots (I don’t know if this is relevant or not, but I decided to do it anyway).

All of those dungeons sucked for clear speed/XP, so I decided to just to a normal “good” dungeon that had no relevance to the above theory…and it dropped. :joy:

It’s all just RNG in the end. I didn’t even see my first Shockwave aspect until close to 80.

If only trading was a thing! I can let you choose my assortment of 11 Waxing Gibbous.

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It should be in the spirit boons.
Like, why do we even have an option for 390 thorns?
For +10 max spirit?
Absolute jokes.

Give me TR, Vasili, bear and wolf armor as spirit boons.

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I wish you were on the development team.

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Farming for tempest Roar has made me realise that this game is not fun, it is work only not fun work just work painfull boring work there are alot of games that are fun this is not it


Then don’t play it, simple.