Tempest Roar Needs to Change

Let’s play hard Devil’s Advocate, here.

I’m confused by the first line, but let’s keep going…

Says who? Says. Who. Why do you think this? Just because you think it should be? And does this mean you also got the Ring of Mendeln on Necromancer, since people talk about that as much as Druids do Tempest Roar? Do all those other Necromancers just need to keep grinding and playing to get it and it is no big deal? Have you played a Diablo game before? Some people in Diablo 2 have been playing that game for literal years and have never seen some of their chase items drop.

So you have a bunch of Druid experience and tried a lot of things. That’s a step in the right direction, at least. Some of the playstyles don’t fit what you’re looking for, which I totally get and appreciate. I have to ask, though: With some of these builds are you comparing them to what Tempest Roar builds can do and dismissing them outright, or are you putting time and effort into making them work?

Did you ever stop to think that since the Tempest Roar builds are so strong that maybe it has a lower drop rate on purpose? Super OP strong build requires rare item isn’t exactly a new concept. You don’t want the drop rate fixed, you want it raised. Those are two different things.

Closes off the class is a bit of an exaggeration.

I love Druid, too.

This is in no way an attack, but I am curious as to your line of thinking on some of these things. I get being frustrated at not having your chase item drop, I really do, but I don’t quite follow the logic that people start applying to these things. “It has to be bugged! It has to be broken! My character/account is bugged! It’s literally unplayable without this one thing!” (examples of things I’ve read in general.)

I do hope you get the drop. And I do hope you get it sooner rather than later! :+1:

So here’s the biggest issue no one is talking about. Blizzard from the start has been very VERY transparent on the idea of you making a new character to ‘swap builds.’ If we take this at face value, then we need to plan out accordingly. Once you get to a certain level it becomes VERY expensive to reset all nodes and redo both your paragon and skill trees. If this is the case, then they need either allow us to specifically target farm dungeons for the rewards given at the end, or remove level requirements off dropped unique items.

For example, I had planned on making the tornado druid build (just like everyone else) then I saw the lightning storm build and thought that was cool. So I started planning for it around level 45-50 on my druid, but while leveling I was sticking to trampleslide. Now that I’m level 87 I’m starting to think I’ll never see tempest roar, the only item needed to make that build work. If this is the case for more than half of a classes builds, then we go back to what I said previously except now I want to change one part, either let us target farm specific items or incorporate said item into a key passive. One of these 3 things needs to occur for people to become happy, and until then you will CONTINUE to see posts like these.

So while your answers to peoples rebuttals, while logical, are in good heart; it’s not what this game needs. People stay to play games for a LONG time due to variety and easy of getting said variety. If you make the goal line infinitely longer than intended, people will quit your game.


Yes I have the ring for necro, and undoubtedly feel bad as I don’t use it, yes I have played all the builds I have mentioned for atleast 30 hours each and tried to min max to the best of my rng potential ( my feelings on each do not matter as it’s my opinion not a fact)

Yes I have played Diablo 1-4 with over 300-500 hours on each ( less on 3 as I was invested in other games at the time)

The beginning of my rant was nonsensical as it was a half thought and clearly I didn’t finish it.

My opinion on build finality by level
75ish is again mine, and I’m in no way fact however no other class i have played has had issues achieving an amusing playable build by that point ( again as I stated bear was fun for me until it wasn’t and I realised it’s just barb with a barrier and a small range added to the Hota …. Opinion not fact)

I also hope that the helm will drop, and what ever your after hopefully does as well, doesn’t change my simple opinion that something is wrong with the rate at which it appears, nor the potential of the class as I would like to play it, could truly care less that some YouTuber is slinging millions of damage, I simply want the option to play all available builds and determine for myself what I prefer, to be completely honest I’d be happy if they simply made human storm Druid a viable
Option I don’t actually want to be a wolf and prefer the way my chubby naturalist looks, but having tested it, it’s awful.


How many of you are level 100 and have no TR? Sounds like a bug tbh.

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166 hours played, was in WT4 within the first 10-15.
d4armory .io/?account=EruEllimist-1162&hero=f38a3530-00d1-11ee-bf0f-790228f34fe1

Same here

d4armory .io/?account=Reverie-11682&hero=8d56a050-0f7c-11ee-8127-ab4b583253c1

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Yes, they were all in Nightmare dungeons. I know my first one I got was from Cultist’s Refuge. I can’t really remember where the other ones dropped honestly, I think maybe a 2nd one was from the same dungeon and the other ones might have been from other random nightmare dungeons (random luck)

As the previous person wrote, change up your routine with NM Dungeons, head to the ones you despise… This game works in weird ways. I hate the Prison, small room like dungeons, but I always get uniques there…

Got one to drop the first Nightmare dungeon I did after the patch at level 99.75, so technically I did not get to 100 before seeing a Tempest Roar.

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Don’t play a class hoping to get ONE specific items with randomized drops. Probably better for your sanity lol

This entitled mentaily is what needs to change.

Game isn’t supposed to give you everything you want just cause you want it. Chase items are supposed to be chased after, and sometimes they just don’t drop, so you need a plan B. Druid has the most endgame viable builds out of any other class. Try stuff around, keep grinding and enjoy the grind.

Or just go play a game where you get everything you want instead.

Yeah! How dare people play a game for hundreds of hours expecting to play a build in their class that is gated behind items that prohibit playing those builds without said item/s. How. Dar. They.

Or just maybe…

A) Class builds shouldn’t be buried behind ridiculously low drop rates on items


B) Said items shouldn’t be as rare as they’re appearing to be for people

Uber uniques are one thing, class specific uniques are another.

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That’s the thing, they are not buried, they are just better with them.

You can play tornado without Tempest Roar.

The importance of having chase items is that they give a goal, specially at a stage where the game is giga barebones.

This is how seasonal ARPGs start. They grow with time.

It’s good as it is.

I coudn’t get it to drop. Saw people memeing about playing an entirely different build and getting it to drop, so I switched to pulverize werebear and a couple of hours later it dropped for me.

Started out as a Storm build, leveled with that up to about 60-ish when the game started cramming werebear down my throat. Swapped to werebear and still continue to get everything else outside of werewolf items. 130 - 150 hours later… still werebear… still no TR.

My list of uniques:

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Lvl 100 here, with something like 220 hours played.

Got one TR drop at lvl 94 or 95, dont remember. Never saw a second drop.

Got like dozen of vasilis, bear/wolf armors, but only one TR (and one crone as well)

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Wish could trade, in d3 u could. Drop em and party could snag them.

TR doesnt exist for me. Preseason i grinded til mid 90s on druid never saw one, currently in my 60s in WT4 and prob gonna never see one either. Gotten Werebear gear nonstop. Wish TR dropped as much as Vasily’s Prayer i got 8 of em on Eternal and 2 on my Seasonal.

whelp back to grinding, hopefully one day ill see one so i can try a fun wolf build~

I’m not sure if the game kinda follows what build you are running to drop items that are relevant to your build. Most people are running pulvarize during leveling so it might make sense to see Varsily dropping more…

Anyone running a werenado constantly leveling up and seeing different?

Blizzard will fix the drop rate by nerfing tornado into nonexistence.

Definitely does not. Right now I have been running human lightning build from the get go, and have yet to see it at lvl 83.

Preseason I ran Necro corpse explosion build and was looking for 2 uniques Howl from below (which never dropped until lvl 95) and Black River, which never dropped until long past 100.

My Human Lightning Storm build is doing great without TR. However, having experienced my necro not getting the uniques I was searcing until 95 and 100+… it does suck, because at that point I’m pretty much done for the season, at least for that character and class.