Tempest Roar Needs to Change

Buddy, you would be singing a different tune if you never had one. Trust me it is infuriating! Be glad that you are lucky today but that lucky will definitely run out.


Alternatively just make it a legendary Aspect from the codex.


Until the drop rate is buffed to equal Vasilly’s then yes. Complain and moan but above all else POST EVERY SINGLE DAY, remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease.


I’ve gotten more Tempest Roar than Vasily.

Random drops are funny like that.


You must love a lot of caps then?

Well, 260 hours now on my druid, been level 100 for ages. I’ve opened all Mystery Chests and Protection Helm at every Helltide I can go to, now all Protection since the changes. I double open the Mystery Chests when get a reset spawn. I’ve cleared up to NMD 91.

What’s a Temptest Roar again?


It’s still unbelievable ppl, the frustration is real. Every other unique drop with a certain frequency, but the TR feel like an uber rare at this point, especially after hundreds of hours of grinding. cant’ wait to loot it at lvl 100 :confused:

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I’ll trade my Tempest Roar frequency for someone’s Waxing Gibbous frequency. I need a better one, but have only found one.

I mean, it’s kind of true about grinding and you’ll get one. I leveled up to 83 before actively deciding I wanted to try and “farm” for one.

Then I ended up doing four dungeons that supposedly had the highest chance to drop it since the mobs in there have a higher chance of dropping items of specific slots (I don’t know if this is relevant or not, but I decided to do it anyway).

All of those dungeons sucked for clear speed/XP, so I decided to just to a normal “good” dungeon that had no relevance to the above theory…and it dropped. :joy:

It’s all just RNG in the end. I didn’t even see my first Shockwave aspect until close to 80.

If only trading was a thing! I can let you choose my assortment of 11 Waxing Gibbous.

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It should be in the spirit boons.
Like, why do we even have an option for 390 thorns?
For +10 max spirit?
Absolute jokes.

Give me TR, Vasili, bear and wolf armor as spirit boons.

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I wish you were on the development team.

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Farming for tempest Roar has made me realise that this game is not fun, it is work only not fun work just work painfull boring work there are alot of games that are fun this is not it


Then don’t play it, simple.

Is this helm really that rare?? Ive seen 7 or 8 of them at least. RNG is crazy sometimes i guess

User has 3 Druid characters listed, totaling 280+ hours between them (& some non Druid chars too!)
d4armory .io/?account=Shenanigins-11162

Enjoy your lucky loot seed(s), being an outlier, & judging by the fact that your forum account appears to have been made 1 day ago for the purposes of:

  • Gathering specific, targeted, echo-chamber style feedback regarding Trample/Boulder.


  • Stating that you have had 7 or 8 of a helm in 280 hours that over a hundred users have reported not seeing after thousands of collective hours played…

I would say you are either really lucky or another forum plant :potted_plant:
Either way enjoy your hats!

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I don’t think you took a long enough break.

Lvl 88 never seen 1 either. Also never seen bear chest, only one bear helm at lvl 50. Got 1 sacred wolf chest. Druid specific uniques might as well be classified as an Uber uniques for me at this point


When I played my Necro, I found all class uniques by level 70. My druid is level 85 and I’ve yet to see a tempest roar. All I farm is cultist/cannibal dungeons/NM dungeons. I clear 3-4 dungeons, do the legion events then back to the dungeon grind. I’ve gotten at least 3-4 of the other non class uniques already before tempest roar. So yes, it’s super rare.


So you got four to drop? Can you clarify if they were all in specific NM dungeons?