Tempest Roar abnormal droprate

I also have a stockpile of these. It’s all about the grind.

This is like the rorg days back in d3 - on one hand you had ppl with so many of it they they would salvage them, and on the other you had ppl who farmed weeks and weeks with no one in sight

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I never saw tempest roar.
Nor did I ever saw crone.

Lvl 84, on T4 since lvl 64 and doing NM 31-40

My last unique was 3 levels ago.

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I got a stockpile of caps too!

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We all have caps!

No cap!

Hardy har, see what I did there.

Did soft-core to 100 and HC to 85 right now two different toons and nada no idea how some people have 7 and some people have never seen one the issue is that if both helms have a 49.8/49.8 (leaving .2% for Ubers) chance of dropping (assuming the roll is something like Item Drop(Slot Roll) > Sac. or Ancestral > if Ancestral then Unique chance> Unique roll the chance of seeing the same helm seven times is like 0.0078 this would be fine if it wasn’t more than half the druid player base experiencing that… AND we know that the item slot is determined before the chance of a unique is determined because of the mob type farming built into the game if it wasn’t then there would be no point in farming cultists or cannibals. I also have to assume that the drop rate between both helms is the same as there is no reason for me to believe they would gate them differently as they do the essentially the same thing just for two different skill tags one being bear/earth and the other wolf/storm.

This is why I believe that it is bugged. I now have 19 Vasily’s and counting.

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Just as I thought that it will be another Vasily, I finally got the TR from NMD T41, Shadow Plunge from guarded resplendent chest.

With my RNG the drop chance is 0.0526%


I’ve logged over 360 hours on my druid, about 25 Vasillys and 0 tempest roar. Glad seasons about to start so I can start a new character because I’ve maxed out my Bear build for over 3 weeks, most of my glyphs are at 21. I feel like I’m running in circles for nothing grinding for this item. This isn’t good RNG.


It seems that headpieces drop more from humans. Many people just farms NM and regvthatvjas canibals and drowned.

Well this is a constant rumor.

People who have TR will says: “RNG is RNG, Rare is rare” :yawning_face:
But when your level max, your glyph max, tried to find that helm for week and still not drop? a lot of people are same boat. So is this a bug? or just RNG?


I know a lot of people played and grinded like hell to drop specific unique items and for those who succeed this might sound unfair, but unique drop system should be reworked to be not only an achievement based on grind and luck, but also effort, like making players grind for materials and challenges that lead to a unique item craft or a chest (like wow’s weekly vault) containing unique item options.

This way, droping the item you’re grinding for hundreds of hours wont give us the feeling of “I never want to suffer this all over again”, but a feeling that our effort lead to a real achievement.

switch to some trash werewolf build and it will drop same day

negative… i’ve changed specs 3x in 2 weeks, only change was i think im getting less uniques since they F’d up the helltide and then “fixed” it… not a single new unique and no TR

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I was running a poison werewolf build farming NMD that were like 1 or 2 levels higher than me. I got TR and Crone in the same dungeon at level 76 the day the buff patch dropped. I’ve had 3 more TRs and 4 Crones drop since. RNG is a fickle beast

I have been playing werewolf 90% of my time spent in d4 :wink:
These random takes though. Maybe if i wear a different transmog ?

It took me till level 91 to finally get one to drop. The only anecdotal possibility that I can still not fully dismiss is the existence of a pre-patch equippable barb weapon, i think it was overkill, blocking me from getting the TR. My TR dropped only after i vendor trashed that weapon thus removing any trace of it from my character. Assuming the DoS2 stolen gold mixing with clean gold gets laundered holds true here.

helltides event not hell tide “events”

Only place I’ve received uniques from. Drop rate does seem higher there. Doesn’t help they made Helltides so much harder to farm. Maybe that’s the reason? Who knows why they make the decisions they do. :frowning:

They need to just tell us what the percentage chance is for every unique. I don’t understand why they won’t. Maybe because once people see how low they are, they’ll just stop chasing them. Only thing I can think of.

Anything negative ever happens in your life… family member dies, car wreck, you get cancer, lose a leg…deal with it. Live by your motto and never ask for help and do everything yourself!