Tempest Roar abnormal droprate

Not for me, but uniques drop for me so often that seeing them on the ground just doesn’t get me that excited. Seriously had a dozen of them drop in a day at the beginning of the week and probably another 6 or more every other day including 2 today in the 90 minutes I played but literally 15 seconds apart.

It is what it is. I just can’t seem to win the RNG lottery for this one specific piece.

Hell tide “events” chests. not helltide chests.

I obviously farmed this content extensively as well by running from events to events during helltides.

I’m not asking where to find TR. I’m saying that there is something wrong going on.

The chances for me to have never encountered a TR in my lengthy journey should statistically be near 0 if it had similar probability to drop than any other class uniques.

An analogy would be:

  • Chose a random number between 1 and 15
  • Create a list of 500 numbers generated randomly between 1 and 15
  • What is the probability for you not encountering the chosen number in that list ?
  • Answer in that case 1.96%

Yet people come up with stupid sentences “Random is random” when they clearly don’t understand what they are talking about.

Anyway, It seems that this issue was brought up by other people with a similar profile. Letting me think that some characters might have issues. But we will not know until someone from blizzard look into that. Hence that post. But thank you.


Random is random.

Whether you think it is stupid or not, that’s the reality.

Deal with it.


Yes “random is random” :wink:

I have opened a ton of chests and haven’t seen a single uni helm at all out of them let alone a tempest as they literally just announced that you can NOW get uniqs from helltide chests

100% convinced some peoples characters including my own are loot bugged. I have over 20 visa helms and mad glee chest with no roar yet


Read it again, chief.

You are correct, though it seems the chances of the Dev’s openly admitting it or the forum Trolls/Shills not abusing, stalking & harassing you for days merely for posting about it are effectively as low as the chances of you, I & others all going as long as we have without seeing Tempest Roar.

(Level 100 Druid, currently @ 144 hours played on that char)


Coming to the druid forums is like having this person acting like a dungeon affix that replies to everyone who posts about bad TR drop rates.
The moment you run away, it flies faster and chase after you.

Guess which dungeon affix



Not my fault you all have to post about the same thing, thinking you’re somehow magically bugged.

Let’s make another TR topic. It might help.

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Many folks likely already put Furious on ignore. Literal troll who seems to think their witty responses and the fact they have multiple TR is the norm.

Anyways, to the topic at hand, I know myself and plenty of other druids at 100 had a similar experience. Unfortunately, there really isn’t a real solution to the issue at hand. You can’t target farm it, especially so with the changes they made for Helltide chests now and so your only recourse is at the mercy of the RNG gods, which as shown could remain a brisk never.

Speaking personally, I shelved the druid and moved on to other classes for now. I’ll come back to it for Season 1 though as I love the class.


didnt get mine till i hit 98 and instead of being happy i got it i was actually kinda pissed it took that long to drop. i hated seeing every youtuber that was lvl 62-79 already have it.

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Its an issue if you need these unique to enable a build. Finding the combo point dagger on my rogue is nice but I dont need it for the build.
Not having TR or the staff hurts.


I’m in a similar boat man.

Never seen tempest drop, but I’ve had 3 of the earth helmets drop…

I feel like there should be a system in place where if you’ve had a unique of a certain item slot drop you should then have a higher chance of a different unique drop of that same item slot.


I got 300h as druid, about 25 or more drops helmets for bear (got 2 today), but not single tempest for werewolf. This is really frustrating!


I have farmed for TR for like 4 weeks now did over 100 NM dungeons tier 35 and higher heltides,world bosses,legion events ,every other unique for the druid drop I have 3 or 4 and the general uniques too i have 8 glyphs to lvl 15 and some lower lvl. I don’t know what is wrong with TR not dropping for me,in the beginning I had fun to farm for TR but now it’s boring and not fun at all every day to do the same things and see all other uniques drop but not TR. I don’t know if it’s a bug or I’m very unlucky and I understand that random is random thing but to get 2 or 3 unique every day but not TR for weeks I’m really starting to think that something is not right with my drop rates and really frustrating slowly.


I’m another level 100 Druid with no TR (or temerity for that matter). What really makes me angry is that I had no idea that unique drops were not even possible from helltide chests. What was the reasoning behind that design decision? I still did plenty of NM dungeons and leveled all my used glyphs to 21 plus the unused Werenado glyphs to 15, and still no luck. But, hey, “random is random” and “guys with no friends in real life like to troll other people on video game forums”.

I have no desire to keep playing the pulverize build that got me to 100. At this point I will either try to cheese Uber Lillith with the Earthen Bulwark bug or just quit entirely.

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like a week @100 = 0roars, first Vasily’s at lvl 96
Keep trying :sweat_smile:

Same here, :crossed_fingers: and keep grinding… only diff is, i got around 9 Vasilys at this point

Unique drops are so infrequent for me. It took me 25 (54-79) levels just to upgrade my chest piece. But without a TR, the game pigeon holes you into a few specific builds. I’m personally still using a trampleslide build at level 79 because I don’t have other essential uniques to do a tornado or shred build. Play diversity is so limited with Druids it’s frustrating. Not sure whether I should do another one with S1 or move on to Rogue instead.

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