Tempest Roar abnormal droprate

I really think the RNG system is not actually RNG all the time but rather switches parts of the loot table on/off for certain days. Which means the distribution is not evenly distributed depending on play times and days which were played.

Nope, you are totally wrong. You only defend blizzard because you have the item and that’s all.

The statistics shows the opposite, check it for yourself, fanboy. This is why blizzard makes bad games because people like you who have low threshold defend them every time. I’m really sick about the whole thing.

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I feel you OP. I’m almost level 80 and still no tempest roar but I got 3 Vasily’s already. Guess I’ll never be able to try out the full power lightning storm and tornado builds at this rate.

Please provide the source for the statistics.

Found 2 Tempest Roar today. One during helltide by killing the helltide assassin Kixxarth and the other by doing a random NM tier 48 Dungeon. Both acquired at lvl 78.

Honestly was a grind to find the helm but eventually paid off as clearing dungeons/bosses has became a walk in the park.

Check it. Read it. But I guess you are so obsessed with blizzard and their bad product that it does not even matter how many players are facing the same issue. This is not RNG. This is bullcrap.

That’s not an official statistic, and the OP is one of the most deranged forum users I’ve seen.

Don’t tell us to check statistics if there aren’t any actually available. Please provide legitimate sources and facts instead of hyperbole and anecdotes if you want anyone to take you seriously.

That’s what I thought fanboy. Keep scking blizzard dry. hope u paid 79.99 for a skin

I want a shako and i dont have one and thats ok.

You must have really enjoyed D3. It seems like it would be right up your ally.

Don’t get me wrong. I love to play D4 and how it looks like, the smoothness of the encounters, but at this stage this is bullcrap, and end game is just simply does not exists.

Problem is that the game does not reward you after countless of hours of farming.
I’m level 100 with my druid and doing shred+bulwark till I get the Tempest Roar. But why should I?

But my questions again to anyone who defends blizzard:

Why is it extremely rare item compared to another uniques?
Why is it absolutely required to have fun with a build (referring to speed clear) ?
Why should I grind for an item which is definitely required for a build I want to try which I like the most? ( everybody knows there are other builds without unique but you know, I know, everybody knows that the synergy is not the same without the helm…)

Why should I use another build for 100 levels (because that’s the case) and put more hours just to farm a helm?

There is not a bad luck streak, no way that after 300+ hours I still did not get it, I simply cannot believe it, that’s bullcrap.

No reward system, no pity system, nothing implemented to prevent burnout from this game. There is no reason for that. That’s straight up sad. Hope they fix it for season 2.

Well looks like I won the druid lottery today. I got it along with a staff of the crone as a reward. Wasn’t even target farming since I just ran a random T35 Komdor Temple.

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hope you got a maxroll crone , it’s so sad when you have only +4claw or low weapon ilvl

Clearly you didnt play D2. There is nothing wrong with rng its refreshing from the D3 handouts.

I did. Love the fact that you cannot say anything to my observation. Why do you even struggle? Clearly see that you are here to trolling and get people mad. Leave if you cannot add relevant things.

I would argue that all of your questions are the answer to the first question.

It’s powerful. Build defining. Game changing.

Because of the immense potential and power in this one item, it is balanced by it’s rarity.

I got the +6 claw but the storm strike boost is around 140. Not really planning on a storm/claw or trampleslide atm so it’ll be in the storage for now.

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Just hit 63 and finished the 70 capstone. Going to try my luck at TR even though i don’t need it on this 2nd seasonal druid. Having fun with pulverize and did find a crone but it’s only sacred level 58

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Its not extremely rare, its just rare. Its only build defining if you want to play that build but their are better build.

If you dont see the point of RNG and your just going to say I played X hours and I feel entitled their is nothing that will change you view on RNG.

If you dont have TR and your still farming for it there are about a dozen othet builds.

But its not, my group is almost upto a dozen found.

Again did you not play D2 there were plenty of builds possible only with specific item.

RNG is fine. I am glad this isnt D3 drop rates. If your not having fun your not having fun.

The only thing i will say is all uniques should drop no matter what character your playing. I think thats the smartest “fix” because you should be able to see a TR drop playing a necro.

Ok then help me to get it. I still can’t figure it out why it does not drop. There is no reason for that. That’s all. That’s bullcrap still.

There is nothing to figure out. The RNG gods have not been in your favor. Sometimes they are awesome sometimes they are not

In D2 i found 3 tal armor in 1 hour of doing chaos runs. It was ridiculous but awesome at the same time.