Tempest Road... #AnotherOne (it's a positive one, trust me!)

I saw some comments, and a post, where people were saying maybe, just maybe, some loot might have a higher chance of droping depending on your talents / Spec / whatever, so here is my testemony, for what it’s worth.

As I mentioned, I saw a few comments, and a post claiming this, so I thought 1 is a coincidence, 2 is worth a shot… So I created a new toon, my friend boosted me, and I specd into Werewolf / Tornado… And I got mine like 15m ago, with a perfect roll (first unique of the day…)

I’ve been grinding on my Pulverize druid for 2 weeks now, since level ~60 doing NM above 31 - My main dudu was boosted, and then I took a ride for a while with a friend. 90% of the NM I grinded, was targeted, meaning, I mostly did NM with Cultists or Cannibals. I only saw Tempest Roar drop once, which funny enough, was for the same friend while boosting his druid - also, he was specd into Werewolf / Tornado abilities. Aside from this, I saw like ~10 Vasilys, ~5 Mad Wolf Gee’s, ~5 Insatiable Fury’s, ~4 Great Staff of the Chrones, ~5 Hunter’s Zenith’s, ~3 Waxing Gibbous, and a few more random like the Mothers ring, or the Thorns chest, among others.

I grinded everything, helltides, NM’s, Worldboss’s, Whispers, Obols, I even went as far as to yesterday out of desperation switched to World T3, and grind some Sacred NM just to see if I got it as sacred… I never got the head… I also created another Druid to try this strategy last week, but never gave him skills, didn’t see the head drop but a bunch of other uniques dropped… The day I “switched” - I didn’t really but created another toon and specd into werewolf / tornado, I get the head, on my 51 druid…

I mean, I know rng is rng and all that, but to me, it’s to big of a coincidence. I really believe some loot is more associated with specific specs / talents, which at the end of the day, makes sense. All loot is eleigible to drop, but specific loot has a “higher” chance to drop.

At the end of the day, it is what it is, and these are my “2 cents” about this… Onword to try and kill uber lilith now I guess :slight_smile:

To everyone still grinding, hey, try this strategy, might surprise you and you only lose some gold, or if you have a friend to boost you, do like me, create a new toon, ask for a boost, and you don’t lose anything, just some time. Keep strong fellow Druids!

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I was the one boosting this man! If you want the head today hit me up, 10mil and we can talk about it!!!


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It’s definitely worth a shot. I got my Tempest Roar a day after switching to a Lightning build.

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Bull. Have run tornado and/or lightning, never bear since lvl 1. Still no TR. Lots of Vasilys, Crone etc

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At least you have got a Crone… level 83 here and never seen TR or Crone.

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Just got a Tempest Roar today. I am level 70 human storm druid. I have been getting my butt kicked in the T4 Helltides and had to spec more immunes. And was getting very depressed because everything was still able to about kill me. But I lucked out and got it out of a chest today.

I was wishing for crone and got one. At 725 power and lowest roll in every category. Not worth trying at my level.