Tempering + scrolls of restoration

scrolls of restoration were a great addition to the game

however, only being allowed to use them ONCE per item misses the mark yet again. tempering remains a sore spot for many players.

i do not think it should be possible to ever PERMANENTLY negatively impact your item via in-game crafting.

tempering is a fundamentally broken system. instead of finding a new upgrade and being excited about it, i am often dreading the tempering process and wondering if my new find will end up in the salvage pile because i have no way to reliably temper on it until i hit my desired temper.

PLEASE reconsider scrolls of restoration being one-time use per item. please consider allowing us to engage with the game by completing content to farm the scrolls and repeatedly use them as much as we wish – much like we are allowed to repeatedly enchant, masterwork, craft and reuse gems and runewords.


I just found the harsh truth about scroll of restoration…
I didn’t know it was just for one time only and you can’t use it again on the same item.
Thank god it was only 1 GA item and not some 2-3 GA.
Imagine you found a 3 GA and brick twice.
Blizz should reconsider to make the scrolls useable more than one time for the same item.
GA items don’t fall from the sky nowadays.


Same just happened to me. Didn’t know there was a limit, so I decided to try and aim for a better roll. BOOM, limit reached and it’s stuck on a stat that does nothing for the build.


Gotta read the fine print I suppose regarding the totally arbitrary limit. As in, the tiny text in the scroll description that says one use Only. Sigh…

I agree wholeheartedly, while the solution to the problem of having a nonsensical amount of tempering “charges” with the scroll was a fine one, But having only one use to these is just another unreasonably frustrating limitation to kill the fun factor of the game.

Not only do GA items not fall from the sky, ancestral items are way too scarce for us to be Bricking items constantly.

Sadly I think I’m done until this is changed.

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With the drops rates of those scrolls the way ive seen them, they are currently in a perfect spot now to remove this limit and allow us to farm restoration scrolls to perfect Temper rolls on items.

Those that are fine with not having it perfect are completely unaffected, but those that do want those perfect rolls, have another means now of crafting and farming further.


I cannot describe the rage I feel. I finally got a passive amulet after weeks of playing and I bricked it 14 times trying to hit a 1 out of 3 roll for ultimate CDR. JFC this is not fun. If you need to add a gold cost to restore it and make it more expensive. I’ll VERY UNLIKELY ever see another GA amulet with crit chance for months of play time.


Just bricked a perfect 3ga ring I paid 40b for. After sets of rolls (original and restoration) I never ONCE got the temper I need, not even a single low roll.

Neither temper…blizzard better fix this, it’s not like we are re-rolling for higher rolls.

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