Tempering idea & feedback

Tempering change is a step in the right direction, but it still feels way too little.

Especially when condering there are recipes where you have 1 out of 9 chance of hitting the correct roll (1-2 ranks with up to 5 options). If recipes are going to be a choice of 4, on top, that overall reduces chances to get the desired affix even with increased temper charges.

It never feels good bricking an item. It also increases prices like CRAZY when people need to buy new items constantly. Most people are unable to ever earn enough to lay hands on these items. I understand they are not for everyone, but it drives inflation mad even for higher end players, and rewards gold sellers and botters.

I took a few days break from the game and felt like I completely fell behind the curve and stopped being able to afford any upgrades even when playing on the upper levels of playerbase (130+ pit & killing ubers/lilith within a few seconds).

I propose a solution that you should be able to reset tempering charges IF you “sacrifice” for it another item with the same amount of Greater Affixes the original item had and that item has not yet been tempered with. This would also made multiple GA drops rewarding to get even if rolled with less usable stuff.

If we pair this up with scaling gold cost (lets say 25 mil cumulative increase each reset) and some mats like forgotten souls, it would eventually result in a need to find a new weapon, but wouldn’t immediately destroy it right upon drop. That is literally the most common and almost sole reason I’ve heard from people that quit playing this season as a reason why.

Obviously the solution I’d like the most would be a ridicoulsly costly way to directly select a temper and a farmable currency to increase item perfection (to improve stats an item rolled) but I don’t think that is a design direction that seems intended.

Please consider updating it somehow.