Temper Bricking is the worst lol

Just bricked a really good 2x GA ring. Rolled the same thing 5 times in a row haha… That really needs to go. I’m not saying no to temper limits, just remove the current roll from the reroll poll, it’s hatefully annoying. I think I’m done playing till S5, not salty just feels like a good stopping point lol.

S4 was fun otherwise, excited for S5 and then the DLC.


Yeah, im done with S4 as well. Its been a good month and a bit. I do like the new systems but it can feel :poop: when you dont roll well but amazing when you do.

RNG needs to be on values, not on which affix you take

Bricking an entire item to the point of being worthless should not happen, specially with 2 and 3 GA


I wouldn’t mind this. If you only had 3 shots at tempering, but you got to choose the specific temper, and the range was greater, like 20%-100%

A bricked item could still happen if you rolled like a low-mid 20% 3x in a row, but it may still make you think twice if you had a 2GA with a low temper vs 0GA with a mid-high temper

Yeah tempering and masterwork are not bad in theory, just badly implemented…
Some things they can do:

  1. Add either more tries or preferably a reset temper for like 1M first reset, 2M second, etc.
  2. Have less Tempering Affixes like 3 max per category, not 5+ (ie. Max Life, Max Armor, All Res only)
  3. Like mentioned above, make it more about the range value than the Temper Affixes. They can even make it way less chance to get max value, but at least you get something and then can try to reroll for something better like 1% chance for 10% CDR, 50% chance for 5%, etc.

That makes a whole lot of sense. Maybe we’ll see it in the 2nd expansion.

I been hawt lately. Hitting everythang for once. :white_check_mark::muscle::+1:

Its the codex and legendary aspects all over again. They refuse to change it and stick to their flawed view while the whole community is telling them that they have a huge issue in their game

Sadly, i dont see Blizzard going in the right direction with this

I don’t brick anything. My tactic is to optimize tempering in such way that if my priority temper fails few times, I roll a safe temper to minimize chance to roll useless stuff. Never really bricked important items so far, but yes few items were getting to the wire and even with safe temper I rolled to the last one. So my experience is good, but yes, I don’t necessary always try hit these 20% rolls that are “best”. The second best which are 50% are also welcome in my tactic. Better to have good items with a second best temper than have a brick :slight_smile: