Temerity and Conceited Offensive Aspect

I’ve tried to find a solution or explanation for this bug but i cant see any topics about it.
I’m playing a Rogue on D4 (eternal realm). I’m trying to reach endgame build. While i’m trying to workout that ‘‘how can i max my dmg output ?’’, i’ve tried Ancestral Unique Temerity item with ‘‘Conceited Offensive Aspect’’. As the mechanics of Temerity, it gives me Barrier. And for the explanation of the Aspect it says; Deal X% increased damage while you have a Barrier active. But it seems both of these does not work. I’ve checked it too many times. It just doesnt works.

Another thing is, Temerity does NOT always gives me the the Barrier that i need when i know i have to prepare for the incoming damage. Instead of giving me Barrier buff, the game says ‘‘You are alredy at Full Life.’’ But the item explanation says ‘‘Potions can be used while at full Life’’.

Those are the problems that i need to understand that they are a bug or is that just how it is; if thats how it is, than it really needs a clarified explanation for the unique explanation part.

I am not aware of the conceited bug, but it may exist as I think I heard before.

About the barrier, you need to use a skill to over heal you beyond 100% life. I think there is Undying aspect which come from S2 Vampiric power. I remember that can do overheal in S2, you should try it yourself.

I am using temerity in my sorc and its working fine in seasonal realm. Also I use both aspects % damage while barrier and % damage to vulnerable while barrier.

Maybe a bug in the eternal realm only.