Teleport Skill on Controller is extremely inferior compared to Keyboard and Mouse

I didnt think much of it but seeing what i was missing!

Same goes for Leap i assume. YIKES!

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I wrote the same thing as you almost verbatim in an other post haha. Yeah it’s really discouraging :frowning:

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Now use a ultra wide monitor and you can teleport through entire zones in one click^^

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Tbh make teleport a lightning version of spirit walk. Short duration, increased move speed and unstoppable. Like 3 seconds your transformed into lightning and zip along.


I feel that we need something done so that we can use teleport and alot of other spells like meteor, blizzard and such, so we can pinpoint them where we actually want them. Not relly on random if it will land between, or maybe behind enemies.

Mabye make an option to have a cursor that you controll with the right stick on controller, that dont necessary effect any movment. Feels like the targeting funktion should work more like that also.


This needs changed it’s the same with leap too.

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Also this is a thing:

So controller/console players are even at a greater disadvantage…
I really hope something will be done before the release. This may even be a reason to refund it, personally for me at least. As it would force me to avoid any skills that require aiming and limit my enjoyment as a whole.


Im glad there are so many people like me that are upset about not being able to use mouse and keyboard on console! It only seems fitting with PC being cross played with us so we can have a fair playing field!


This must be fixed before launch, make teleport have set max range


Max range or no skill at all. Even if I could already get my screen edge but right now you can barely teleport past a wall I constantly was teleporting into a wall when the other side is 5 feet away.


My biggest fear. It’s not worth then adjusting anything… However this is full crossplay with pvp and these skills teleport/leap can be crucial. I really hope they atleast just make default Max screen then fine tune it whenever but as it sits leap and teleport are basically unusable on console/controller


Just adding to this thread hoping Blizzard will response. Leap and teleport both are significantly lacking in comparison to keyboard and mouse. This is not good for accessibility. People with carpal have difficulty using mouse and keyboard for extended periods and should not be competitively disenfranchised.


  1. Enable right stick to control
  2. Have an option to set leap or teleport to max distance
  3. Short vs long press of button

Another option could be to adjust the range of your movement skills - Far, Mid, Close. It won’t ever be as smooth and precise as being able to select the location with a mouse, but being able to toggle the distance would at least help the many who want to cover as much ground - either for travel or evasion - as possible.


I’d personally rather have the stick be 4 added buttons we can map and this ability range upped to make it more like PC smartly. Set the distance greater, and just teleport us the max that range will do with the current landscape and surroundings.

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This will be a huge issue for PvP, making a controller pretty much a no go, as well as just being annoying and occasionally getting you killed in any PVE activity. Hardcore players will want to avoid controller especially, although there are plenty of other issues with this game being live service for those who want to play hardcore.


This is a prime example of the corners that Blizzard cut. Menus and inventory management are another. It’s particularly disappointing when you look at the care they put into D3’s console interface. D4’s control and interface on console feel like a cheap port from PC right now.


Wasn’t this already an issue in D3 only without the stupid auto targeting of breakable objects?

Using the right stick for some sort of distance aiming won’t solve the disadvantage imo. Ok maybe we would be able to aim the distance a little bit better, but we would also be forced to bind the particular actions on shoulder/trigger buttons and literally lose 4 other actions completely because if you hold and use a controller in the supposed way, you use only your thumb for either stick and action buttons.

I would prefer if the devs came up with a way better AI based solution on the tilt of the LEFT stick.

Or what I’d like is to have the option to use keyboard and mouse on console in general. Other games implemented such an option and lots of players already play on a desk/monitor setup. Unfortunately couch players wouldn’t benefit from that.

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I don’t think that would be an issue, since so far “basic skills” and “core skills” don’t seem to need to be aimed, so that leaves the other 4 skill slots to be bound to shoulder buttons.
Also “Elite” controllers with back buttons are always an option, if one would want to never leave their thumb of the right stick.

Nonetheless having any sort of way to aim those skills is better than having none. Otherwise as shown in the clip, it’s literally impossible to perform certain actions with a controller.

I may try to make a short video/clip to explain my solution in detail so that its easier to be understood and people can actually visually process how it would play out.

I think if we really want to see a change to even at least a little bit the playing field against keyboard and mouse we should push together for it.

Uploaded the video:


Exactly how i want it to work. And if you dont aim it will just use it as it is.

Edit: also it should then work as a directional change for when you wanna stand still and using attacks. Kinda bad now if you use items that stacks stats when you stand still and you dont use the lock target funktion, it will move when you turn with a joystick. Ive been trying to use the lock target system, but its hard to make any real good use of it since its not directional based, and you have to scroll through the enemys, loosing alot of time. So in the end its only usable when fighting a boss/single target that ju kite away from alot.


Bro how can they enable crossplay pvp and do such different execution in each platform