Target farming uniques - old

Oh thank you for addressing that, I haven’t seen a dungeon yet that has only one enemy type, so sadly we have to be extra careful always ; ;

Please write down somewhere if you can of any good dungeons for specific families you find, it’ll definitely help me as well, and I can do the same if you want, so far I’m adding them at the very top, I’ll keep changing them around as I find better ones.

I also added a new sheet on my link for any mobs I might not see in your list at the top. I’ll add any you’re missing with bold text! My problem so far is that I have some achievements at 10k already like spiders… is there really no way to track after you hit the 10k achievement?

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Theres no way to track once you hit 10, and for some families theres just no way to track at all. But many events (not the cursed ones) will only pull from one family type so you can usually use those to tell, but be careful of outlier cases. There are definitely some events that put flies with wild life for example.

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I just want to commend you on the work you do for the community at large and the efforts you put into compiling all this data.
Your Quest posts are awesome and this is …just something else.

Thanks very much!
I appreciate it greatly.


I will be filling out your spreadsheet. Druid here. I’m going to erase your data and add my own. I am also filling out a spreadsheet with every family in every dungeon. Data is the only way we’ll get some idea of if we can actually target farm and I’d love to help out. :slight_smile:

h ttps://


Hi Zolmation,

I made this spreadsheet tool that lets you mark the item types you care about, and tells you what dungeons are best for farming those, based on your drop data and monster family data.

h ttps://

It’s almost feature-complete. I plan to keep it up to date with any new data that comes in on any of the spreadsheets that users have contributed so far (yours, ultimatelype’s, and connected’s - I gotta comb the rest of the thread to see if I missed any). Right now that import process is manual; I could automate that process, but I wanted to both ask your permission first and check in to see if you’re still updating.

I’m also trying to get the word out about your thread here so we can get more people contributing data. Looks like it worked. Thanks for getting this done. I might do some farming myself.


yes please use my info and spread it far and wide! gotta put an end to all these websites with misinformation. I’m still updating it!

As a rogue it’s quite clear what monsters drop specific items like shields or wands because they actually drop for me (much more than other non rogue items) even though I can’t use it

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I just log in for click Like, the information is insane. No wand, for my sorcerer?

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I just log in for click Like, the information is insane. No wand, for my sorcerer?

yes! if you look, you can see wands dropped for me and zolmation when killing ghosts even though wands aren’t for druids or rogues, that means ghosts have an improved drop chance of wands.

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Also, all winged creatures that shoot slow-moving projectiles (wasps) I consider to be Flies - they only ever appear with them.

This is a great thread. Thank you all for doing this research. Also it’s just nice to see something positive and constructive here :wink:

NP! It will take time to gather this information but we’ll get there. :smiley:

FYI I just had Corpsewinders spawn along with other wildlife in a “Last Stand” event in Guulrahn Slums. Safe to say they are wildlife.

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I’ve been using this website recently to check for specific monsters I’m not sure about, it looks pretty legit.
And yea they say corpsewinders are wildlife and not snakes… wow blizzard :rofl:
h ttps://

OP, you have Highland Handwraps as “Highwraps” in your code. Suggest changing it. I’m doing so as I go through each dungeon. This may cause Gloves to be miscounted.

Thanks everyone for your contributions. I have been away for a bit so I haven’t been able to contribute lately and for that I apologize.

Added to the post. Thank you for your work!

I considered them to be flies at first as well, and then I thought maybe maggots would line better, but then h ttps:// shows them as wild life so I just don’t know.

Thank you so much, I did something similiar a couple times and was able to catch it but not this one! I appreciate it.

They are definitely flies. They show up with that family in the events and there is a dungeon I did yesterday I saw them grouped up.

I continue to fill out my sheet! :smiley:

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Soooo… did this idea just kind of die out? Wha happened???

All these posts say “Will be updating for Season1! Hard work ahead!!” But I don’t see any of the S1 dungeons in any of the spreadsheets… please somebawdy point me to the current thread for this extremely cool topic :crying_cat_face:

I quit the game because it was really bad after you finished the story. I’m sorry for not keeping up with it.

OMG dude what a pointless post. Would you just shut up, play the game, kill things, and pick up the loot. No one cares about any of this jargon