Tal Rasha's Iridescent Loop

For Tal Rasha’s Iridescent Loop ring, i heard the special ability can proc maximum 4 times in the new patch. is it true?

Yes, to prevend you make a 75% dmg Tal rasha with the poison and shadow tempering. Blizzard finally has time to do their maths after PTR :grimacing:

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Yes, unfortunately capped at 4. I guess this rasha couldn’t handle a 5th.

Like a lot of Blizzard’s attempts to balance things, this is stupid and arbitrary. Just change the wording on the item to match Elementalist glyph. Or leave the loophole in place but make it so you can only get elemental temperings in damage types your class can actually use. Instead, we just get this arbitrary cap for no reason. 60% is OK, but 75% is a bridge too far? Why? And for the love of god can we please get some kind of damage scaling for Sorcs that isn’t reliant on these stupidly bland multipliers that end up being mandatory on every single build?

Yeah, would have made more sense to actually just nerf the ring to 12%/stack. Better idea: limit the ring ro fire ice shock, 20% per stack, so that we dont need to look for elements only available outside the native kit.

We did have better damage scaling, when crit/vulne worked the way one would expect. Because of that change (bit of a knee-jerk reaction), we have this. Lol.
Out here stacking 300% non physical as a priority is weird.

60% for a ring slot is already overpower. Any ring slot or legendary aspect give this damage? Thats the reason why we are forced to farm Varshan every season as no one make a sorcerer build without Tal Rasha Ring since its release.


You are 100% correct. It seemed like a bandaid, in season 2, to balance sorc damage. However, if every single build, runs the same ring, something went seriously wrong in design.