Taking away our old gear we worked so hard for is not rewarding. It's punishing

Right now, I can log in to my main char and feel a sense of accomplishment, for what that’s worth in a video game.
Last season you told us hey, we’re reworking loot so everything you own is now legacy, and obsolete.
Ok we say, some good things came of that. Still a pain to re-gear every character though.
Now for this season you’re telling us, so guys…all your stuff is garbage again.
Trust us it’s cool.

This is decidedly not cool, and right on the heels of the last time you pulled the rug from under us.
We worked really hard and jumped through your hoops and regeared last season, but twice in a row is too much.

It’s like you want us too feel worse the better we do.

There will be those that will say, it’s a seasonal game and don’t cry. Which is fine I get it.
I’m not a streamer and don’t play games 18 hours a day.

When I log in, I don’t want to feel like I’m going backwards, that’s all


I’m with you. Ah, let’s reformulate the items, okay, it was acceptable in s3 for your items to be useless, although I still went up a lot of PIT with them and it took me a while to change the equipment. They were still significant. And some amulets with passives still use them and I also use pants with 3 reductions.

At the time it wasn’t an option, but now it is. They can leave our items 750 or 800 but they don’t want to do it. Just by their choices. I played 1 hour on ptr and all my items were already obsolete. Except gloves due to the point in the main skill and amulets. I will not update my old builds again. I will only play season for a few weeks and then I will play something different for the first time in a year. I only have d4 installed on the PC, I need to see other games.


Agree totally OP.

There are plenty of threads on this forum saying the exact same thing. Keep posting your disappointment to try to get the devs attention.


There is absolutely NO reason they can’t turn existing equipment, especially uniques, mythics, and masterworked items into an equivalent item power on the new system. By torching all equipment and making it lesser, I’ll look for another game that doesn’t throw hundreds of my hours expended in the trash.


All the legacy items are either exactly the same as you left them eg Mythics, or upgraded with higher rolled affixes. Just make sure you fully masterwork them before Season 6 starts and you are golden.
The ipwr number means absolutely nothing.


f today I make boss 200 with my equipment, that would be what I intend to do in s5, after leveling to 60 and after leveling the new glyphos, it should be at the same point. My build is not meta, I believe it will not suffer nerfs. If the problem is destroying everything in the expansion, make the characters new to the campaign or below 60. Most have already deleted the character, so it doesn’t matter in the story.

This is incorrect.

I think your misunderstadning the issue.

They are not adding any new gear or power tiers to farm. They are readjusting the item scale DOWNWARDS, and downgrading all eternal realm gear including mythics to the new floor.

Example : MY grandfather on live game is item 925 has IDENTICAL stats to the new ivl800 mythics.

When i log into PTR that very same grandfather that i have is downgraded to 540 ,halfing its main hand DPS.

I now need to refarm the same grandfather I already have in the live game . No new power, no new tier, the same exact one. - it FEELS TERRIBLE


Can´t we just add some vendor to every town, where eternal players can buy every item in game for 1 gold? Ofc with full temper, MW and prefer rolls?

It would save lots of tears…

Or why even bother. When they start game, place some fireworks with “you made it! You finished Diablo 4”

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All you would have to do in Eternal is craft a new GF with guaranteed GA affix.
You would instantly get an upgrade for every Mythic you had on. Unless you have GA Mythics already. It didn’t feel terrible to me at all recrafting my Mythics in the PTR, from a build that had way less Mythics than I have currently on live. Mixed with all the Mythics you have on Eternal, you could craft 20 GFs.

This is just trolling to troll , If you dont understand why this is an issue - then well GG in the new season I suppoose

You cant just quickly invalidate things by saying " unless you had GA mythics" thats a huge deal lol . Also what about the people who dont have multiple sparks- who only have the time to grind out one mythic - they wont be able to just trade in.

Its an issue when a game develper says " we want to give you new items to chase, and then turns around and makes those "chase items’ the same ones that we already had .


I thought we were talking about Eternal, where you retain everything you have earned through all Seasons. If this is what we are talking about you have nothing to worry about as you already have all these resources, you do not have at the start of a Season.

We are talking about eternal.

Im sorry, I am not following your point.

I am with you on this one man, why would I continue to play to get better items if they are going to brick all items next patch…


What you’re failing to realize is that level 50 enemies (currently level 100 in S5) have been lowered just as much, if not more.

So your relative damage to level 50 enemies is at least the same, if not better than before.

You are not losing anything or having anything taken away. Your gear is being buffed a little, and NEW gear (equivalent to about ilevel 1300 in S5) is going to be available, to kill enemies equivalent to level 120 in S5.

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Im sorry man, youre still not getting it, and I really dont know how else to explain it. Youve been in these threads non stop to tell Eternal players they are wrong despite NUMEROUS examples.

I will just agree to disagree at this point


You didn’t already have it.

If they had instead just changed the ilevel cap to 1300, changed the level cap to 120, and left all your gear as is.

You would STILL have to farm for the ilevel1300 gear to get upgrades, and gain 20 more levels.

The squish doesn’t change this at all, aside from changing numbers.

Would you have preferred that scenario? Or do you want that stuff for free when you login too?

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Yeah it is absolutely not too late for them to change course on this.


Everything below has been validated by the PTR to compare the difference.

Let’s say you were lucky enough to get a multi GA Winterglass with the GA on conjuration mastery.

Old i925 Conjuration Mastery Ranks = 6. Same Amulet but not downgraded to i540 = 3 Ranks.

New i750 amulet with GA CM = 4 ranks

And a very rare new i800 GA CM = 6 ranks.

Remember, the game works off certian break points on item level for ranges of affixes. The lower break points on non-ubers breaks certian stats like skill ranks. So in fact for some of the rarest most prized farmed items, they are NOT the same after the i540 conversion.

I am sure all eternal players would be okay with farming an i1300 Winterglass that went from 6 ranks conjruation mastery to 10 ranks before masterwork.

Bonus info: If you had a GA raiment on skills rank, you go from 3 ranks to 2 ranks.


None of that is important though. What IS important is your damage output and survivability in relation to the enemies you’re fighting, at level 50.

With the changes you will not feel less powerful fighting level 50 enemies in the legacy gear as you fighting level 100 enemies in the exact same gear, with no paragon.

This is at least the intention.

Have you done this testing? Do you know the exact health and resistance of level 50 enemies in the same difficulty, like for like with live?

If there is a difference, is that difference accounted for in some other way? Such as the new gems? Or the mercenery buffs? Or the fact that you have more skill points now?

PTR is PTR for a reason, and new expansions will always come with major overhaul of certain systems.

If you’ve ever played WoW when a new expansion came out, then you should know how this works. Yes, the new stuff is much more powerful. But that doesn’t mean the existing stuff has lost power.