T1 is not NM 100

I am starting to believe T1 is not NM 100. It’s way harder than NM 100 because of the number of stories and complaints I have read in these forums, in X, and in YouTube about it.

The players that had difficulty clearing T1 even once claim they cruise NM 100 quite easily. But it’s not clear if they meant it solo or group, or if they only did it once and picked the easiest sigil, and etc.

I have cleared T1 33 times out 35 runs and recorded them on my YT channel with my Firewall Sorc (probably cleared it 4 more times if I include the unrecorded ones). For me it’s easy like an NM 100, but just because I can clear it with 94% success rate doesn’t mean I represent the entire player base.

What’s your take?


Seems a little harder than 100 to me. My health went down more quickly than in NM100 for some reason. Guess it depends on the affixes.

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Well they said lvl 1 was equivalent to a NM104 dungeon in the CF chat.

So you’re not wrong.


I feel NM 100 and 104 aren’t that too different? I am just thinking of NM 90 vs NM 94 in comparison.

Did you get to the bosses? Since AoZ is actually about beating the bosses.

Who knows why they threw out that number.:man_shrugging:t2:

Blizzard Math

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T1 is trivial, even with a projectile build (hello suppressors), but T1 means nothing in an event with 25 tiers

It’s like people would complain NMD’s are too hard and you come here saying you can farm T5 and it’s all fine :grin:

I think I did otherwise I won’t be able to complete 30x runs? Not sure if I am missing something in your question or was it for me?

Sorry had a brain fart that I read you completed NM100 33 times.

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It is trivial for folks who are clearing it, but my question is how is it’s possible for folks who clear NM 100 quite easily can’t even trivialize T1?

Clearing T25 is not even the topic and that’s a concern that’s mostly out of everyone’s concern for now, lol

they said it was equivalent to nmd 104. who said it was nmd 100?

Depends on luck. I had 4 and a half minutes left with my Bliz sorc when I got to the 3 bosses and they were in a small room and would not spread out. 2 of them were simply not taking damage and all 3 were rotating their skills to exploit my cool downs. I had one about gone and I am not sure if it was poison, death pulse, but something one shot out of nowhere. 2 of the 3 were at full health after 3 minutes.

I do not care to try when the rules are hidden. Too many hidden variable. I am strong enough to do MOST dungeons but I struggled without knowing why.

I know that leave “get gudd”. I should simply delete my build and go full meta, and play the limited builds that Blizzard intended. Or I can quit. I do not like the hidden affixes. At all. I am surprised they are so widely accepted.

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I think I have heard them say that, but also seen from other folks saying the same thing. For me NM 100 vs 104 shouldn’t be a big departure if we compare it to NM 90 to 94 (after all we are still comparing nightmare dungeons). T1 to T4 though is a big difference and I am aware they stated the levels are more challenging compared to NM per level.

“The first level in Abbatoir of Zir is similar in difficulty to a level 100 Nightmare Dungeon.”

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Mobs a lot harder than t100. But there is no modifiers either and its much shorter.
Nothing wrong with t1. Its the scaling after that that is the problem. You do not get anything near the reward for difficulty increase.
And the glyph itself scales WAY to fast on xp needed. At level 10 it like 30k xp to level already. And what have you gained for that? About 10 percent total ap.

The issue is the Bloodseekers at the end. Their damage is tuned way higher than a NM 100ish boss. Their health is also lower, but when they can one-shot you it doesn’t really matter.

The dungeon trash really didn’t feel any tougher than a NM100. I haven’t died to any of the trash yet, but I’ve died to the Bloodseekers plenty of times.

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on the dev stream they said t1 was equivalent to nmd 104

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Thanks for posting because I can’t find where I saw or read it. Even so NM 100 and NM 104 shouldn’t be that too far apart if we are speaking of Nightmare Dungeons.

Interesting. This is probably the difference. Maybe Blizz was only computing the mob difficulty but the boss difficulty is indeed more challenging than any NM 100 dungeon boss (only the Seahag was the dangerous NM boss).

In fact, 99% of NM 100 dungeons, the boss is probably the easiest one to deal with.

Don’t know what to tell you. Cleared on first try with a Bone Spear necro and a Charged Bolt sorc.
I just tweaked my gear slightly for capping Def, did not change anything else, no Ubers equipped

It changes fast down the line (at least for these specs), esp lvl 5 was a pain and forced me to change build, but T1 was a non-event