Sweaty player with 3 level 100's giving you some common complaints and solutions. Long as heck

This is a well written, concise and informative post. Full of real solutions to the problems currently in D4 that most players will agree are fantastic for the lifecycle and growing the popularity of the franchise.

Blizzard won’t read it. Blizzard doesn’t care. They already have your money.

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BTC only. Make offer.

25 characters.

#1 is the social interaction which is zero”

It took you posting this for it to click. I’ve been annoyed by so many aspects of this game, but this is probably the #1. It’s a solo game.

I am so popular I love it!!! Like and subscribe!!!

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Feeling fun isn’t enough for them to change the negative aspects. Using your example, in D3 you get the maximum and highest quality of loot by GR100. If you could speed farm GR100, which many could, then you would just speed farm that for loot.

Then it stands to argue that this system should have been effectively in place for D4 as it is a sequel.

Hot take. There will people abusing this absolutely however you do not punish the majority of the players for the few that exploit.

I have two accounts for WoW; an EU account and an NA account. Before I moved to Germany with my wife I’d log in NA with the account and when I took my 18 hour flight to Germany and logged in my EU account became locked and then Blizzard unlocked it after verifying the integrity of my situation.

The reason I bring this point up to you is because if you believe that Blizzard isn’t tracking these shenanigans then I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

Unrestricted loot with members of your party should very much be a thing and was quintessential in helping with min/maxing in higher levels in D2R and D3.

The only reason this is in place now is because they want to lessen progression with artificial time sinks to keep players engaged. The people developing D4 are former wow Developer’s and you can literally see this take place now. It’s like BFA and Shadowlands.

God knows it’s true. I watched that podcast with a lot of the super streamers; asmongold, krip, Wudijo, and some other guy I can’t remember and one of the focal topics was taking bets if Blizzard sells you stash space and as well sells you other QOL changes.

The depressing fact is that they probably will. What type of backlash will D4 receive? none probably. They will make hundreds of millions and our voices will get drowned out by greed.

Perhaps, perhaps not. I rather try and fail than to just walk around viewing the world this way even though your statement is pragmatic.

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I agree with effectively everything you’ve said here and the sentiment behind it.

The one thing i would add is that unique items ACROSS THE BOARD need to be more common and/or have a way to target farm them(ideally both). I have been playing since day 1 of official release and i still do not have a tempest roar helmet…

And really ever since reaching world tier 4 the amount of uniques i have received on a day to day basis has gone DOWN.

My pulverize build is done. I had my fun with it, i’d like to try something else. Something that in theory is supposed to be an attainable build enabling item in WT4 yet after dozens of helltides and focusing on running the most efficient loot farm strategies i can find. I pretty much dont get ANY uniques. Let alone the one im looking for.

Ever since reaching WT4(i solo’d the capstone dungeon around level 67)
I have dropped 2 or 3 uniques… That was over a week ago now.

This is ridiculous.

If Blizz wants to severely limit access to certain items, but still remain faithful to the iconic Diablo loot premise that all loot should be tradeable, perhaps they should require that items can only be traded among players (likely clan-mates) who have played x number of hours together, perhaps 100 hours total.

This eliminates the RMT carriers, keeps Shakos and GFs still just as rare, but allows these items to maybe make into the hands of the dedicated players who really want them most with little risk that they end up going for $USD.

Stay safe and get lucky tonight!

There’s definitively a system in play here that will decrease your drop rates I feel. I don’t disagree with this sentiment because the more you play the further you get. It’s a way to artificially slow down progress.

This is a solid suggestion but the drop rates remain way too low. I still think baseline 1/50000 or even 1/100000 is better than the present state of the game.

Did you use dungeon reset trick to farm exp? Could you give some advice? Cause already at 67th level I am starting to feel burn out :smiley:

I didn’t even know this existed until yesterday. Someone in the chat mentioned this but essentially I farmed Eridu earlier before the nerfs and I farmed burrows on my Barbarian.

This can basically be summed up into one sentence.
“Stop releasing half-baked games as full-release.”

It’s akin to slapping ORGANIC CERTIFIED or USDA APPROVED which have a bare minimum requirement for certification. Why do games have less content now than games released back in 1999-2004?

Because as time goes on, the quality of everything is going down while the price goes up. This trend will continue for quite some time. I’m not going to go into the underlying reasons for this here.

Good read, I agree with a lot if not all of it. Thank you :slight_smile:
The most important thing for me with any hobby is that it’s actually fun, and that it respects my time and is fair to my wallet.

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You’re working on a PHD and you have the time to get 2 characters to 100 and another to 90 this soon? Wow.

If you don’t think that PoE is the gold standard then you are the problem. You must think that the loot and endgame loo in this game are good. HAHAHAHAHA! What a joke. PoE is vastly superior. That cannot be denied. This game sold in marketing and name. Not because it is a good game at all. The game is garbage.

I am done with my PHD. I was talking about when I worked on my PHD.

Ah ok. My mistake. I must have misread that.

Thank you for reading. I hope that they are able to address this some.

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I appreciate the time you took to express these ideas. Some I agree with wholeheartedly, others not so much.


  1. The majority of the issues you identified would be resolved with the ability to forge up aspects, potentially being able to combine extracted aspects back at the occultist to reforge them into a more potent form/higher percentage. This also gives more incrementalism to the chase, and if you can forge up a tier by sacrificing a higher tier aspect (and then build it back up after a nominal % drop) gives us something to do with lower tier aspects. We can disenchant and reforge dungeon sigils, doing so with aspects makes sense as another format of progression.
  1. I would rather new dungeons not be ‘pooped’ out when there are plenty I’m on my own personal crusade to have redesigned to take advantage of the semi-static nature of the D4 dungeons. While this goes into the ‘wait and see’ category, I imagine new dungeons will be coming with the story elements of seasons, and those will either have the new aspects introduced or they will use the backlog of aspects to fill in. Its a valid criticism, but one I think will be resolved in the long term (but I imagine there will always be a few lagging behind season to season as more are introduced).


My Casual Bio: I am extremely casual compared to your accomplishments. I only have a single character in the low 60s with the renown grind done, and my plan is the same as with D3 where I will wait until the new season to start my next character to prevent burnout. I'm still playing my char until then, but the leveling process of 70-80 is likely going to be where I get by season start unless the NM dungeon leveling xp is increased dramatically. I do not grind/reset dungeons because I cannot stand it, meaning my xp gain is not optimal, nor will it be. But that is okay, I am experiencing 99% of the game and have/will have access to the majority of the gear for the chase, and that makes me happy. Will I get to uber-Lillith during the pre-season? Unlikely, but hey, stretch goals.

Increasing the xp from NM dungeons is needed to differentiate them from normal runs, which is happening, but I would contend that it may be too soon to increase it too much. Remember during the BP infodump session they explained they are/were planning of having +XP% bonuses as part of the free track of the battlepass.

We may need to see how fast it goes during the first season to get an idea of whether it needs to be buffed more. Again, valid solution, but has the potential to interact poorly with the planned season bonuses.


As I’m still at and unlikely to reach a point during the preseason which would require a lot of trading as part of the chase, nor get to a point where I might reasonably see a drop of the highest end uniques, overall I have little practical insight.

Part of the ways an increased drop rate could work, and again this is partially running into my crusade to increase the theming/individuality of the dungeons, is to weight the drop rates of affixes/gems/uniques in dungeons based on the theme, story, etc. This would also encourage farming dungeons for reasons other than just the highest xp/densest. The concept of bad luck protection is also something I’d crack a smile for.


I think the easiest resolution would be the X respecs per time period (per week/month/season), with an item drop that increases that. A refund all for the paragon board is indeed a must.

The only thing I’d push back on is the alternate talent trees. Its for long, whiny, and fairly casual reasons that really just devolve into “Just level an alt” that I am going to be unreasonable about.

Seasonal/Ladder Gameplay

I think part of the disconnect is from folks who are unfamiliar with Blizzard’s “Task Oriented” battlepass that the season is built around. Each season is going to have, according to the advertising, new paragon boards, aspects, uniques, and experiences. Some of the free track benefits will be tied behind character level (the game power/leveling effect ones), but otherwise if the BP follows the format of every other Blizzard BP (Hearthstone, Overwatch, Immortal) you’ll be able to reach the max BP level regardless of character level*.

  • systemic limits, tasks based on content will almost certainly maintain level requirements to complete said content.

I fully expect we are going to see the implementation of more “Uber” forms of various campaign bosses during the upcoming seasons. More dungeons, questlines, boards, glyphs, aspects, cosmetics. Based on the way I play the game I have an entire class to chew on every season for the next year! You mentioned quite a few good QOL changes, keep advocating and hopefully we will get some of them!

I beat Lillith Alpha and the campaign. I’ve beaten the boxed game. Was that worth the box price? Ehhh, debatable but for the most part. Everything post Lillith is bonus content and I’m looking forward to getting more demons for my coin.


So much garbage you’ve invested weeks of your life on its forums. Your forum accounts on games you actually like must be insane.

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