Survive levels 140 and up

Hello, I’m not really playing in hardcore mode, but what better place to ask how not to die than in the hardcore mode forum, right?

The issue is that I have been testing several characters and I have seen that in the end I am not able to overcome, for example, the level 60 pit or level 4 of the infernal hordes

This wouldn’t worry me if it weren’t for the fact that I have the maximum armor allowed, the maximum resistances, magic armor, about 40k health, damage reduction for fortification, damage reduction for golem and something else that I will have for the items, let’s suppose I have 80% damage reduction Also kills with 5~10 million damage or so

So I ask you, what am I doing wrong to die from one blow?


Start there. Get at least 100k life, fortify, perma-barrier, 70 DR… And conditional DR like from Close, DoT, etc. Use at least 1 defensive aspect.

This is extremely low. Get to 100 000 000 DPS and up.