Support a Streamer—Earn the Orichalcum Mount

Right… and lets face it why tf would I watch someone play the game instead of playing it… moreso why why I ever “gift” anything I consider toxic to the gaming community.

Yes its optional and I will opt out but these stream promos need to go away.


Promo should be:

Ignore a streamer/shill—Earn the Orchalcum Mount

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The only streamer I support is Amouranth because she provides great content.

Can I pay $10 to make the streamers go away?

I feel that they have become a negative impact on gaming.


oh boy they give a Mount to boost viewer number this is really pathetic . lack of confidence on the product


oh god, best post. im so with you on this one. =D

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Not thanks i would rather let a rat slowly eat me from my toes to my head before contributing to streamers specifically the ones that have ruined this game. Also wont make your game go up in viewer count on X (you are calling it the wrong name its not twitch no more bud.) to make the game look like its succeeding.

Where are the set items?

Where are the runes?

Where are the runewords?

Till your company can provide us with what you promised and it not being another 3 years for you to finally give us the product we paid for, I wont support this joke dev team 1 bit.


they werent promised tho :o

I’ll pass. I don’t line the pockets of people that actively make the games I play worse.


Ok I will give you a promise like they gave us.

I promise I will gift you 1 TRILLION DOLLARS! But dont worry it is coming SOON™

i like annacakelive. i will probably sub to her for the mount. i mean if i sub and gift 1 sub its like 10bucks and she benefits. dont really see too much of an issue


well if you wanted to support her anyway it makes sense ^^

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In the $100 expansion, sweet summer child.

I love it. It’s brown and has what looks almost like a Quake symbol on its head.


Do people understand what Blizzard is doing here? They are paying streamers to promote D4 with our money.

Stay classy Blizzard.


How pathetic, giving away virtual nonsense to buy streamers and followers in an attempt to make the game look better in statistics.

Hey dev team, how about making a game that is fun and let the statistics reward you?


I like they do this. It is free stuff for players but damn guys. That mount is atrocious. Lets do some great mounts and then put them in shop for ppl that miss them. This is just basic shop selling 101 here. I need a magnifying glass to make out the orichalcuminess here.

They are here because the game you defend on a daily basis with your posey of shills is dying…



Im fine with supporting favorite streamers, but not like this, i dont need rewards for it. This just feels cheap with that ugly horse.

I can live without the skin.
I would rather give that money to someone as a tip the next time I am at the bar or a restaurant.

Also given the history of other twitch skins being given out for free later…not just no, but hell no.

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