Super Sidekicks and No QoL Improvements Til Season 5?

The ladies over at GamesRadar interviewed Blizzard about season 3 the other day. Some interesting outtakes include: the seneschal pets will have 1:1 stat power to the player making them pretty godlike. They also go into some details on season 3, inspirations behind the themes and oh-so much more.

Interview links at the bottom of the news post.

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Thanks for link.

Heh they called them “Robots”…riot time.
Interesting indeed.
Sean White:

To clarify, yes! Your Seneschal Construct companion will scale 1:1 with your own stats. Your attack rating is it’s attack rating. Your crit is it’s crit, etc. Have at it!

Found it funny he said “Attack Rating”. Know what he meant ofc, but it just caught me off guard and hearkens back to D2 “AR”.

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they also interviewed Sean White, the guy who came up with the idea. looks great but you know after the season ends they will nerf the sidekick into D2/3 power lvls to “keep it in the core game”, etc.

"You’ll notice that The Seneschal has a ton of different builds – things that are obvious choices like ‘This Seneschal will heal you, that’s super cool,’" the Diablo 4 designer added. “But then there’s a lot of other interactions where you’re like, ‘Oh, wait a minute, this can synergize with my build.’ So things like that I geek out on.”

However, White downplayed comparisons to Diablo 3’s Followers. “I guess you could say maybe it’s Follower-lite or like, but Seneschal is a whole other ballpark. It’s almost as if you’re customizing its own mini-class that’s following you around,” White said of the comparisons.

The Diablo 4 designer also said the Seneschal has “way more customization options” than you would’ve seen with Followers, from either Diablo 2 or 3. “I think that’s one of the things that really sets it apart,” White concluded.

To clarify, there are QoL improvements coming in Season 3, and Season 4 is targeted for the overhaul to itemization. The article doesn’t state that there are no QoL features coming before Season 5.


Personally, I was expecting the armory / layout system to be ready. Maybe the codex overhaul too. I think the PC Gamer guys were too. There was lots of minor QoL boosts thou for sure. We will know them all tomorrow with the patch notes.

When that Armory system coming to D4 like we have in D3? A bit annoying having to reset skills/paragons/items just to try out another build. Don’t really want to make a whole to new level 100 character of the same class either.

I want to be able to play a variety of builds with my character more easily.

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Appreciate the clarification. Were the QoL improvements mentioned in the stream? Was at work, so missed out. :frowning:

If not, hopefully in patch notes!

This is exactly what I had to do in season 2. Being able to get to 100 in 18 hours seemed easier than doing a respec and finding gear.

We briefly touched on several, but the full patch notes will be out tomorrow with the list


It looks like it’ll be a bit of fun so I guess I’ll load up and try the new season out yet again. Might not do a battlepass for the third time this season. Look forward to the patch notes!

Thanks! Looking forward to the patch notes for the new season.

I will wait until I see the patch notes but sadly what you guys call quality of life additions at blizzard, Are straight up standard features in all games now.

So won’t hold my breath for anything substantial being added.

A.token stash tab is hardly a qol addition as an example.

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Wouldn’t be mad if it comes with later season if it’s redesigned properly in return.

Interesting items are one of the big pillars that defines a good ARPG, please take your time with this one. :slight_smile:

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No matter what the patch notes say get ready for the rage from the Karens. The forum will be entertaining. :popcorn:

This is the biggest problem. We’re still just playing catchup, trying to get near baseline for other games in the genre. I knew that the itemization rework wasn’t going to be coming until S4, but having no recode for the stash (huuuuge problem for multiclass players), no rework to the codex, etc., means that it’s just another 3 months of all the same problems. It’s hard to get motivated to participate when much NEEDED improvements are always a season away, especially since I rotate classes every season and I have nowhere to put my stuff. If they don’t actually fix the stash and improve the codex in S4 I’m going to start wondering what the heck they’re even doing over there. :weary:

Probably going to be the big clincher for a lot of people in S4. If the rework fails to impress that’s gonna be so many hurt feelings it’ll be unreal. :stuck_out_tongue:


For me, I’ve always wanted an armory thing that also STORED the relevant items for that build since D3. Ideally we wouldn’t have to worry about it doing ridiculous things to your inventory/stash every time you switch. I figure for each build, we should get a storage slot for each item with the option to map an item to different builds (ie: we have a BIS that applies to both builds). Basically it would be a “build container”.

On a side note, I am also hoping all classes get the option to equip all their class weapons and either swap them like D2 or have them be situational like Barbs. Basically, I want to have my sorc have a slot for 1H+OH and another for 2H with an optional shortcut to swap them like D2 or something. Switching back and forth in field is pretty annoying and it would make it a bit more fun for farming vs pushing.

Man, I don’t envy you right now.

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triple check the patch notes page for typos :smiley:

Really sad what blizz puts out with the money they have. Imagine if GGG had blizz money, then maybe POE wouldn’t be dog water.

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