Super fun season....until end game

I have a level 100 necro minion build and a lvl 100 double strike twister barb, both built according to reputable guides, and neither one can kill echo of lilith. I don’t really know how to progress now and I don’t understand how these builds are crushing it for everyone else…Do I just suck that bad at video games? (note: level 100 duriel is super easy, but since I can’t kill echo of lilith, no point trying the lvl 200 ubers)

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the 200er ubers are easier than uber lilith. also, just saying. just because you cant beat a boss, doesnt mean you are bad at gaming. keep practicing and youll get her down eventually.

Uber Lilith is no joke. You can’t just face tank her and expect to live. Would highly recommend watching some updated videos on her. She’s difficult, but not unbeatable, it’ll just take time.

Ya, I can mostly dodge mechanics, but my damage is low and I get too many of the stacks of the debuff that make me take extra damage, so eventually the slightest touch kills me.

Every game is fun until the end game. Simply cause there’s nothing that comes after that to get bored with.

But you don’t seem bored, but more frustrated that the momentum you’ve built up has been interrupted. It’s demoralizing, but it also means you have a challenge to overcome. What you choose to do from there is on you.