Summoning Uber Duriel Question

It is explained anywhere how to do this yet?

I’ve only seen the flow chart of which general activities you do but not how it actually happens once you get the materials. Anyone have any insight or can point me to the right direction? Thanks!

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No one knows yet. There was no beta for S2 (or if there was it had a heavy NDA) so no concrete information has been released outside of what we got in the dev interviews/patch notes


still unclear but i wouldnt bother with it, the drops will be abysmal like sako now, so dont bother.

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I just hope they didn’t nerf unique drop rates in NMDs now that there are new bosses that have a better chance of dropping them.

can we take a moment before Season 2 to acknowledge that this patch is probably going to be scuffed AF for not having a PTR of pre-season launch.

pretty sure they mention something like you have to do nightmare 80+ along with killing 2 bosses to get parts and combine them

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They shouldn’t need an entire PTR phase for season launches. Internal/CB testing should be more than enough.

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You were saying? lmao

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this aged rather poorly lol

Hardly, the fact still stands with a company this large, they shouldn’t need one. They do though, regardless.

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First step in summoning Duriel is to let us login first for S2


blizzard sendo blizzard, 3 meses pra terminar a season2 e ainda me vem com essa! #vemmicrosoft

To summon Uber Duriel, two components are needed:

  • Mucus-Slick Eggs; obtained by defeating Varshan
  • Shards of Agony; obtained from defeating Grigoire the Galvanic Saint

Once gathered, combine in horadric cube to open the portal

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how do you summon varshan?