Summoner necromance on next patch?



Enhanced Blight

  • The Tooltip now correctly references the defiled area for the Slow effect.

Blood Mist

  • Removed the movement speed reduction.


  • This ability can now be activated while crowd controlled. Activating this ability makes the player Unstoppable.


  • Reworded description to be more consistent with the use of Corpses.
  • Interval reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second.
  • Increased channeling Essence generation from 8 to 10 per second.
  • Upgrades now activate when spawning corpses instead of channeling for 1 second.
  • Enhanced Decompose
    • Decompose now causes an explosion [40% weapon damage] when creating a corpse or when the target dies.
    • Now also generates 10 Essence when creating a corpse.
  • Acolyte’s Decompose
    • Previous - Every 1.5 seconds, Decompose makes Enemies Vulnerable for 4 seconds.
    • Now - Decompose explosions make enemies vulnerable.
  • Initiate’s Decompose
    • Movement Speed bonus is now on Decompose explosions instead of channeling.

Army of the Dead

  • Increased spawn rate of Volatile Skeletons by 50%.
  • Supreme Army of the Dead spawn rate adjusted to match Volatile Skeletons.
  • Is now categorized as a Summoning skill.


Inspiring Leader

  • Previous - After you have been Healthy for at least 2 seconds, you and your Minions gain 4/8/12%[+] Attack Speed.
  • Now - While you are Healthy, you gain 4/8/12%[+] increased critical chance and your Minions gain 6/12/18%[+] increased Critical Strike Chance.

Kalan’s Edict

  • Previous - After you have not taken damage in the last 2 seconds, your Minions gain 15% Attack Speed. This bonus is doubled while you have at least 7 Minions.
  • Now - Your Minions gain 3% Attack Speed for each active Minion.

Book of the Dead

  • Skeletal Warriors will now run ahead of the Necromancer more often, and can initiate combat.
  • Skirmishers – Removed 3 second limit from the second upgrade.
  • Reapers
    • First Upgrade
      • Previous - Reaper attacks against enemies who are Immobilized, Slowed, Stunned, or Vulnerable reduce the cooldown of their powerful wind-up attack by 2 seconds.
      • Now - Wind-up attacks now reduce one of your active Cooldowns by 3 seconds.
  • Defenders
    • Now Taunts in an area around them, instead of negating damage every 6 seconds from the first upgrade.
    • Second upgrade changed from increasing Thorns inherited from the player to Defenders reduce damage taken by 99%.
  • Shadow Mages
    • Attacks now pierce.
    • First upgrade
      • Previous - Shadow Mage attacks have a 10% chance to Stun for 2 seconds. This cannot happen toon the same enemy more than once every 5 seconds.
      • Now - You deal 3% increased damage for each active Shadow Mage.
    • Additional Shadow Bolt now occurs every 2nd attack after the second upgrade.
  • Cold Mages
    • Attacks now gain 3 Essence from the first upgrade.
    • Attacks now apply Vulnerable without condition.
  • Bone Mages
    • First Upgrade
      • Previous - Reduce the Life cost of your Bone Mages’ Attack from 15% to 10%. After being alive for 5 seconds, Bone mages deal 40% increased damage.
      • Now - Bone Mages have a 25% chance to cast Bone Splinters or Bone Spear if it is on your equipped Skills.
    • Second Upgrade
      • Previous - Each time a Bone Mage dies from its own attack they leave behind a corpse and Fortify you for 20% of your Maximum Life.
      • Now - Bone Mages drop a corpse when they die. Bone Mage attacks will grant 3% of Maximum Life Fortify.
  • Blood Golem
    • Golem now absorbs 30%, up from 15%, from the first upgrade.
    • The second upgrade active ability from Golem also heals the player for 5% of Maximum Life for each enemy drained.
  • Bone Golem
    • First Upgrade
      • Previous - Each time your Bone Golem takes up to 20% of its Maximum Life as damage, it sheds a corpse.
      • Now - Spawn 5 corpses around the Golem where its ability is used.
    • Second Upgrade
      • Previous - Your Bone golem gains 10% Maximum Life and the amount of Thorns it inherits from you is increased from 30% to 50%.
      • Now - Your Bone Golem unleashes Bone Spikes when taking damage.
  • Iron Golem
    • First upgrade
      • Now casts the Shockwave every 2 attacks instead of 4.
      • Shockwave damage increased from 40% to 154%.
    • Second upgrade
      • Now also pulls enemies in instead of applying Vulnerable.

Legendary Aspects

Blood-soaked Aspect

  • Previous - Your movement speed is no longer reduced while Blood Mist is active.
  • Now - While in Blood Mist form, increases movement speed by 20%.

Unyielding Commander Aspect

  • Previous - While Army of the Dead is active, your Minions gain 70-84% Attack Speed and take 90% reduced damage.
  • Now - While Army of the Dead is active, your Minions deal 70-100% increased damage and take 90% reduced damage.

Occult Dominion

  • Also increases the max number of Skeletal Warriors by 2.

Blood Getter’s

  • Previous - Your Maximum number of Skeletal Warriors is increased by 2.
  • Now - Your Skeletal Priests also empower you at 55-70% effectiveness.


  • Previous - When Decompose spawns a Corpse, gain 25-40 Essence.
  • After: When Decompose explodes, gain 25-40 Essence.


  • Previous - Decompose can chain and burst up to 2 additional targets. When Decompose spawns a Corpse, it has a 50-100% chance to spawn a Corpse under all afflicted targets.
  • After: Decompose can chain and burst up to 2 additional targets. Explosions from Decompose deals 15-30% increased damage.

of the Damned

  • Previous - You deal 40-50% increased Shadow damage to enemies afflicted by both Decrepify and Iron Maiden.
  • After: You deal 40-50% increased Shadow damage to enemies afflicted by any Curse.

of Untimely Death

  • Previous - Each percent of your Maximum Life you Heal beyond 100% grants you 0.5% bonus Overpower damage on your next Overpowering attack, up to a 30-60% bonus.
  • After: Each percent of your Maximum Life you Heal beyond 100% grants you 0.5% bonus Critical Strike Damage on your next Critical Strike, up to a 30-60% bonus.

of Potent Blood

  • Previous - While Healthy, Blood Orbs grant 10-25 Essence.
  • After: Blood Orbs grant 10-25 Essence.

Unique Items

Ring of Mendeln

  • Previous - Lucky Hit: Up to a 10% chance to empower all of your Minions, causing the next attack from each to explode for X Physical damage.
  • Now - Every 6th attack from each Minion is empowered, exploding for X Physical damage.


Control Glyph

  • Previous - Additional Bonus: You and your Minions deal 10% increased damage to Slowed or Chilled enemies or, instead, 20% increased damage to Stunned or Frozen enemies.
  • Now - Additional Bonus: You and your Minions deal 20% increased damage to Crowd Controlled targets.

Deadraiser Glyph

  • Additional Bonus maximum bonus buffed to 15%.

Cult Leader Paragon Node

  • Previous - Your Minions deal 15% increased damage for each 20% of Attack Speed Bonus they have.
  • Now - Your Minions deal 30% increased damage for each 20% of Attack Speed Bonus they have, up to a maximum of 100% Attack Speed Bonus.

Necromancer forum is this way. :point_down:


Hey man, Necro main here

At 75 you should be wrecking, I would look through my build, synergies, and paragon points as well as my gear to identify the issue, I’m not sure what build you’re running. With my Necro, I didn’t start having survivability issues until like 95-100 and t60+ dungeons so if you’re already having issues at 75 you’re not going to have a better time with what you’re currently using.

Invest into decrep, it slows enemies while also nerfing their damage and giving you bonuses to damage. Make sure your gear is maxing out your res and giving life buffs, Necro is not a damage class its a tank class. I just started using a shield for Duriel runs so I get it but you’re going to want to stick and move as much as possible.

This season I played Necro and my friend did Sorc, I had to carry him until about level 60-70 and then by level 90 he had completely overtaken me in terms of damage, so if you’re looking for DPS as a necro the way its currently scaled you’ll be banging your head against the wall. If you played D2, you’ll be used to taking your time wiping a room. Outside a good tip during legions and helltides use your horse to do what an enigma does and gather your minions, it ummm kinda works.

Anyway if you post your build/gear I’ll try to help you out friend. I don’t believe the necro is weak as is it just requires adequate building. I’ve cleared all content in the game.

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Thx for all replies! Sounds quite nice.

I read about the necro sharing 100% of it stats instead of 30%, but can´t see anything about it on the official patch notes. Is confirmed? (maybe i just overlook it)


  • Necromancer, Barbarian, Druid, and Sorcerer Companions now receive 100% of the player’s attributes.

Can be found here: The Diablo IV Season 4 PTR: What You Need to Know — Diablo IV — Blizzard News

As some one who played exclusively as a Minion Necromancer in the PTR I can tell you they are amazing. My golem was one-shotting elites in T100 dungeons, not even joking. Mind you I had about +2K% Golem Damage, so that was definitely a helping factor. I didn’t use any damage on myself because I wanted to see how powerful they would be. At most I had decrepify, corpse tendrils, and/or blood mist.

Made it to Tier 73 in the Pits, I probably could’ve gone higher but my own survivability was hurting, the minions were still super strong though. Damage was definitely not the problem.

The golem also comes with a free get out of CC card when you hit the hotkey for him along with whatever else it does depending on the golem you have. So that along with Bloodmist kept me rather safe. I had a blast and am looking forward to the S4 patch.


Hey Iggi,

Do you know if the PTR changes are only going to apply to seasonal play in S4, or are the changes also coming to Eternal? I have a rogue earmarked for S4 but I’d like to try the changes on my current necro if its possible!

Was stated a few times, everything that was in the PTR will be available to both realms upon launch of S4. The only thing not included will be the seasonal gimmick of course, which still hasn’t been announced.

Just one of the several confirmations they gave. The PTR was strictly for testing these new systems that would come to both realms. We didn’t even get so much as a glimpse to the seasonal gimmick.

Self-plug: I got a topic on a the goodies presented in the PTR that were either not stated or not fully explained if you want a link.


Even more conformation? :point_down: We should know soon. Blizzard soon that is. :cloud_with_snow:

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So we know the theme, just not the gimmicks attached. I’m guessing a follower system of some sort.

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"A majority of the work has been built around the theme of this new season which is “Loot Reborn” - PezRadar

If the Iron Wolves are part of the “questline” that would lead up nicely to the AoV expansion.

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Yes, please! I’m excited now, best of both worlds!

Keep in mind it’s obviously subject to change, and may not be completely accurate when the PTR hits, but it should give you some idea along with the patch notes what’s coming.

Tl;dr is at the top with longer explanations below. If you have questions feel free to respond in that thread or here. Just a heads up it’s a big post.


As far as I remember Pure Minion Necro was clearing 200 Uber Bosses on PTR - you will be fine.

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Since Iron wolves are Mercs in lore I am guessing we will be hiring a follower. Just wondering if we will need to equip them as well.

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Just by that I would’t jump to that conclusion. But they might be testing merc mechanics for VoH. Also S3 we had a follower kind of, why give a sameish theme again?

As someone who has only really enjoyed summon necros in previous games this is good news. I just came back after almost a year of having quit, summon being buffed and the new itemization are the entire reason I came back.

I’m going eternal because I just don’t play enough to make seasonal play worth it. I doubt I could get anywhere near a finished character in three months so for me there’s no point.

I started over and am about to 22 but I’m in no hurry, I debated just not playing until the patch but a couple hours a week has been alright. At this rate by the time I need to pay attention to build and gear the patch will be here.

I thought I was casual before but now that I’m working again I’m super-casual. I don’t play at all on the days I work and if I play two hours on a day off it feels like a lot. My last session was under an hour. Not gonna lie, after working eight hours the last thing I want to do is grind a video game, it feels too much like work that I’m not getting paid for.

So anyway I expect to spend from patch to first expansion trying to get one character to an okay place and I then expect the expansion to rock as I haven’t seen a diablo game yet for which that wasn’t the case. This game didn’t work for me last year but things are looking up.

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Unless they F up and nerf everything to the ground, pure Necro minion should be a joy to play in Season 4. It will 100% be my starter class. Now with more sources of movement speed, its much better to play.


It looks like (unless they change stuff) hybrid minion builds will be even stronger.

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I just wanted to mention some necro stuff here.
1- NEcro must be resurrecting some high and dead monsters as they are alive. Meaning in their original form. If that may be the case at least at some basic level,it may be great.
2- Skeleton models and their visuality needs to be more fearful and steel. There are so clingy, looks so drained, artstyle is different what expected.
3- I want to see zombies resurrected rather than Golems. or also zombies.
4- CAn we see skeleton skins that we can change their looks please.

Note: If this thread is wrong please open these in main thread. Thanks for undesrtandings.

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At this Moment I am playing a summoner necro right ((Now)) and following a build online I do find the necro to be… weak. I can’t seem to clear a N/M Vault higher then 50’ishhh…

But I’m playing for fun and it’s not a big deal because of next season.

Other then the build, I do wish the skeleton minions look more like the ENEMY Skeletons and not so… “Animated”. The green aura around it or what ever is fine but they could of done that better.

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PTR was the best “season” till now, for any main necromancer player.

Im really excited to season 4, unless they mess again with the class.