Eternal Realm Support

I checked out of D4 after season 2 so forgive me if this has been answered. Are these updates going to apply to the Eternal Realm? I really hate having to grind up a new character, I don’t have the time to invest in a new hero every quarter. I’d much rather be able to slow grind up my one or two mains. I’m never quite sure what features are going season(s) v. what will be available to those of us in the Eternal Realm?

Everything yesterday will, so the affix changes, the pit, the new bosses, etc

Nothing from yesterday was season 4 specific.

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Yes. Everything from the campfire applies to eternal

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Thank you both! Makes yesterday’s news even more amazing!!!

I’m pretty sure the eternal realm is getting deleted and softcore as well. We’re all going to have to play Hardcore in the future with no safety potion. Also, I’m the easter bunny.

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They didn’t go into any of the seasonal stuff at all, only the changes coming to the base game. The seasonal theme/gimmick will probably be announced a week before S4 starts.

That being said all items you currently have on the Eternal Realm will become legacy items, and you will have to find new items if you want to use the new crafting systems.


I’m just glad we get to keep Legacy gear. Got to stock up on triple resist boots. Those are never going to drop anymore. As well as some hard to get affix on amulet.

Everything presented in the stream yesterday will be both eternal and seasonal.


Working late I see, it’s appreciated man!


But why not make Eternal more like D2? Since seasons gets season stuff? Let us have a more replay-able game in story mode that allows us to farm upgrades?

Now if only I could get you guys to release battlepass for season and eternal and just keep the new mechanic on seasonal…

One battle at a time…one battle at a time…



Throwing out 15mil cost rerolls and potential side grade items was strangely cathartic


Will or can gauntlet come to eternal for S4?