Suggestions to improve the PVP

It’s very good to play PVP. But there aren’t many players doing it.
So, to make it more “playable” here are some tips:

  1. Create a good content that is only available on the PVP area (for example: higher chances to drop items with 3 GA on PVP area)…
  2. Create an “Uber Abomination” who has a chance to drop an “Mythic Item”… or drop a resplendent spark…
  3. Create an event on the PVP area, like the Über Diablo in Diablo 2… sending a message “Stone of Jordans sold to merchants”… and a Dark Diablo with a chance to drop an item Unique item with 4 GA… or something like that…
  4. Balance the classes… some are very good for PVP and others you don’t stand a chance…

Well, these are some ideas… but the thing is: make PVP attractive! The Diablo 4 is one of the best games I’ve played!
Thank you for your attention! :slight_smile:


No. Just no. You want PvE rewards in a PvP system for a game not designed for PvP.

If you want a truly good PvP game, play one designed and balanced exactly for that. It isn’t Diablo 4.


uhh your horrible mistaken. Diablo was one of the biggest pvp games ever. Please dont ever voice your comments again if you dont want pvp. Too many of us do. This game is has plenty of room for pvp. If you dont want it then simply dont do it. Its totally designed for pvp. Its online isnt it? Thats all you need.

  1. Don’t force players to play PVP with excellent drops, not everyone likes it.

  2. Don’t force players to play PVP with excellent drops, not everyone likes it.

  3. Don’t force players to play PVP with excellent drops, not everyone likes it.

  4. Agree, without balance & with invincible(Barb & Sorc), there’s no any fun in PVP :clown_face:.

PVP must have no PVE-reward in a Diablo-like game, otherwise you’ll lose most of your base players. Maybe some PVP Gears (only use in PVP zone) is OK, but I don’t think Blizz has time to deal with this right now.


We need excellent drops for pvp. OMG the tears. Nobody is forcing you. You have great incentives for PVE?, why not PVP? Thats the most selfish thing ive ever heard. What you cant be open minded for eveyrone? Your being too selfish.


Oh wait, no - it’s a forum. I can voice whatever opinion I’d like.

And the fact is, Diablo 4 is not balanced for PvP and will never be balanced for PvP. It’s just a fact.

Now, you can “want” PvP all you’d like. In fact, it’s present in the game right now, and you can go partake. But you need to accept reality, and offering things like 4xGA Uniques would mean that PvP becomes forced for people that don’t wish to. Didn’t you state you didn’t want that? Bit contradictory…

ROFL. Yes, a game where 2 classes can be 100% immune 100% of the time in PvP is designed for PvP. Sorry, I’m still laughing at you. :rofl:

Please, share some of those hallucinogens you are partaking.


The forum newbie is telling long standing forum members what they can and cannot do, I love it.

Well you sure did tell them. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Blizzard do something for the 6 people who want PvP they are getting tired of camping out in the FoH just so they can jump on newbies who do not know what they are doing.


So the entire suggestion has to be caveated with…

PvP would need to be somewhat focused on and balanced. To be fair, I haven’t done PvP in s4 but s1 - s3 was all pretty bad once you got to a certain point in the season since the specs that could PvP well just ramped outside of what was possible to counter OR the meta got very “rock, paper, scissors”

This is probably the idea that I think would be best. You’d need to make it either harder than a Tormented Boss OR cap the x% damage it can take in a hit to allow some time for people to get to the fight to interrupt it. Edit: Increase the cap by x% if you’re marked.
Personally, I’d say % chance that is somewhat high - 5%% maybe - to drop a spark.

Edit: Between the low-ish drop rate and putting this uber version on a longer timer, say every 2 hours, it wouldn’t make it seem bad to NOT farm in the PvP area because it wouldn’t be insanely efficient time wise; however, it would provide more incentive to people who wanted to do PvP some. This entire idea though centers on PvP being more focused on by the devs and I simply do not expect that at all even though I think the blended PvE and PvP system in the Field of Hatred is actually quite fun and engaging.


"Selfish” :sweat_smile:?

higher chances to drop items with 3 GA on PVP area)

drop an “Mythic Item”… or drop a resplendent spark

a Dark Diablo with a chance to drop an item Unique item with 4 GA

Where could I get such things from PVE? Selfish, uh?

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So in the history of Diablo games that offer PvP, PVE incentives have never been a factor. So we have to leave out every reward that would be PvE based. So that’s 3 out of 4 of your suggestions gone right there.

Now what you could do is have different battle grounds, arenas, etc. You could also expand on what the currency would buy you. Aside from gambling for a few items and cosmetics you could introduce elixirs that only work in PvP zones for example.

The bigger issue with PvP, and this was prevalent in all of its predecessors, is that it’s a very niche part of the game. The majority don’t engage in it, even in D2, although people would have you believe otherwise.

Now it was definitely easier to engage in for D2 due to the game lobbies you could setup, but by no means was it more popular then just playing the regular PvE portion of the game. Not by a long shot.

As another note, you have typically two sides to PvP. The hardcore elitists who know what build to make, what the latest meta is, how to abuse it, and just destroy people. On the other you have your casual player just doing it for a seasonal objective and to see how they might faire.

So when hardcore elitist meets average casual, it’s obvious who wins, and who never returns to set foot in the PvP area again. If anything the PvP community alienates themselves even more, then complains that no one comes by to PvP anymore.

Balance obviously plays a big roll here too, which won’t be fixed for a long while to come. Good luck with your ideas though.

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You sound ridiculous when you type that


My suggestion to improve pvp is just to simply remove it.


Pretty much. My suggestion is to find an actual PvP game. FAR more enjoyable than trying to shoehorn a PvP feature in a primarily PvE game.

Give us a Battle Royale that everyone starts at level 1 in Helltide. You have to open chest to get gears and activate Lilith Altar to gain one skill point. The area will get smaller and smaller when time goes by.

Wait, wrong game.

Actually, i cant let this go. Im stuck.

Diablo wasnt even the ‘biggest pvp blizzard game ever’

World of Warcraft
Heroes of the Storm

Its actually the LEAST pvp blizzard game.

Your brain hurts my brain.

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I agree with this (PVP is the real endgame), its also why I posted my suggestions here: [Feature Req] PVP Enhancements - #32 by Ignition-1682

Hello! I’m a Game Mechanic Specialist on Sanctuary discord. I host PvP Tournaments with my clan Valor. Check out our Valor Discord

Our next PvP tournament:
Clan Valor will be hosting another PvP tournament on Sunday, July 28, 2024 12:00 PM EST.

The format will either be Single/Double Elimination or Two Stage Round Robin depending on number of sign ups.

  • Prizes will be awarded to top 4 finishers in either format (1st: 50%, 2nd: 25%, 3rd: 15%, 4th: 10%)
  • Rules will be GM rules. You WILL have to STREAM in the Discord to ensure legitimacy of builds and fairness for all competitors.

Current Prize Pool (Donations):
$50 + 190B Gold

DM me for more information on GM PVP Rules / Sign up