Suggestion: Uber Uniques - Cosmetic Effect/s

Hi. As the title says, I would like to suggest that you update uber uniques’ cosmetic effects. This is a good reward for those folks who worked soooo hard to get them. Me included. If a Hellhammer gets a burning effect/look, also the horses that you sell - why can’t The Grandfather have something more awesome aesthetically. Or the shapo having an option to turn on/switch color particle effects.

Honestly, this will entice most players to work on getting their uber uniques and this will also make players who own them Sooooooooo Happppy!

  • another suggestion: kindly decrease the resplendent spark requirement for crafting an Uber. Rather than making an uber drop receiver feel so disappointed for receiving an item they don’t want, give them hope that they only need 1 more uber to salvage - then they can finally get their dream uber. These items are so darn unique and difficult to get, so at least give a consolation.

Thanks for listening, fam! See you on May 15! G!