Suggestion for Uber Lilith for Expansion/Next season

I heard Uber Lilith is kinda broken in PTR and not the challenge it was supposed to be. I had been thinking how to make her fight more worth it and after Ubers changes there might be a way, here it is:

  • Make Uber Lilith a Torment 4 boss only

  • She will be added to the boss ladder in the following way: every time you kill a tormented boss in Torment 4 you get a piece of something (like a material) that will be assembled to summon her later - each boss drops a different piece (not yet decided if granted or not).

  • We put these pieces in altars spread in the open world in the region close to the church we are used to enter in hers area. After they are put, the seal appears and we can proceed as of now.

  • The point above is just to make her kind of a more special thing, I believe major Ubers based on final bosses (like the new end boss from expansion) should receive a different treatment like this to be more impactful

  • She should be rebalanced to be at least as difficult as now (maybe harder)

  • Instead of 5, she will have the same drop chance for mythics as other bosses, but instead of 5, she will drop 7-10 uniques. She will also have a slightly greater chance to drop ancestrals

  • Bonus: after she is killed 6666 (this can be adjusted to any evil number that makes sense) times in the realm, a new surprise event happens. Lilith flies over Sanctuary, a resilient world boss like version of her with cool drops (basically Diablo clone).

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mind giving me a short summary of what happened to her on ptr? didnt really try her.

love this btw :smiley:

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No, just no.

I’m not doing more boss mats.


Regular Uber Bosses were removed, only Tormented Bosses remain starting at Torment I difficulty.

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I mean, it doesn’t need to be a material, a repeatable quest maybe? We need something to prevent farming her easier than the other bosses, otherwise the rewards would be meh and I think it doesn’t need to be that way.

By what I see, mechanically wise it didn’t change, but due to the new difficulties she is just not as challenging as of now since you can do her from torment 1 as Avalon said.

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hmmm thats a pity… i mean… i wouldnt mind if we get an uber mephisto then to replace the current lilith fight i guess.

I would like to see Mephisto version of this kind of challenge. Although Uber Lilith is complete joke in current version.

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And then when you get kicked out of the game for random server/game issues that will never be fixed, you lose all of that work you did to get to her.

my point being no bosses should require extra work just to summon, unless the reward is massive, i am talking about guarenteed drop of something big, like ok if i gather all 5 pieces and they are from very difficult bosses/quests whatever, maybe i get a guarenteed armor / mount / mythic whatever drops

if i have to fight that boss, and it only has a CHANCE to drop something, i am not farming mats

i am so freaking sick of mats farming i am actually on the edge of quitting arpg altogether, somehow everyone thinks mats farming is the way to go which is pretty insane to me

Lilith and Mephisto should be farmable in VoH. No summoning mats required. They should drop items that aren’t available anywhere else and should be a tough fight. That’s what I’d like to see. But I’m guessing Mephisto will be like Lilith. One kill in campaign, then no reason to ever do it again. Except for maybe a spark, once.

Is she a joke on tier 4 as well? I know she is on tier 1.

This is because Diablo like games at the end are efficiency games too, usually very hard on it. Time is part of the resource, so without something like this, the illusion of reward might be affected.

One can claim it is artificial, but that is other discussion.

If they make exclusive items and the boss is hard enough to balance the time gathering materials, people will say that you are forcing playing META builds to be able to farm these items or forced to play a content to get them. We kind of went this cycle already.

As I said, materials is not a must, but you will need to have something that will take some time and preparation to make it worth it.

I would like to see more time in between waves in phase 1 where you can freely attack her, and a limit to how much damage you can do before the waves. I think the goal should be you need to dodge X waves, and if you do so you should be able to kill her without broken DPS. The only problem I see with the this season’s version is you need to kill phase 1 before the waves, or at least get very close to killing her because after the waves start you can only get in like 2 seconds of damage in between dodging and if your DPS wasn’t high enough to kill her in the first place before the waves, you can’t do any meaningful damage in between the waves.