Suggestion for a progression system after lvl 100

Suggestion for a progression system after lvl 100

One of the things we see a lot here on the forum is that people (some) ask for infinite level cultivation, similar to Diablo 3. Personally, I don’t like infinite leveling in terms of power, I think we should always have a limit to reach the character in question regarding his raw power, so the development team can focus on game design that is balanced and challenging with the character’s maximum power as a guide.
This can facilitate the tests they carry out, the analysis of game data and the player’s behavior with each class and thus make the appropriate balance.

My suggestion is to introduce a leveling system to be done after lvl 100 that serves to refine the game and extend the life of the game for longer into the season, it should not be used as a pretext to further accelerate the leveling of lvl 1 At lvl 100, is an addition to the endgame, the character’s level will not exceed the maximum level of 100.
It’s not 100% original, but I believe it could be interesting.

Tree of “Blessings”

After reaching lvl 100, the player unlocks a new leveling system based on “blessings”.
The tree (or board depending on whether the developers want to use the paragon board design or skill tree) is divided into two, one will be for the Father’s Blessing (Inarius) and the other for the Mother’s Blessing (Lilith).

  • Father’s Blessing:

The blessings here impact the characters and rewards they receive, for example:

  1. Chance to get more rewards from chests in dungeons
  2. Chance to get more rewards from open world chests (other than Helltide)
  3. Chance to obtain more rewards from NMD and Pit bosses (or one or the other, never two bonuses from the same blessing, so the player would have to progress further to get both)
  4. Chance to get more gems when killing elites
  5. Chance to get more materials when killing monsters in dungeons
  6. +X% experience for glyphs
  7. Effect duration of altars
  8. Etc.
  • Mother’s Blessing:

The blessings on this tree impact the world and enemies, for example:

  1. Greater number of elite enemies in dungeons (one branch for NMD and one for Pit)
  2. Reduced cost to open Helltide Chest
  3. Chance to get more rewards from Field of Hate chests
  4. Chance to get more helltide chest rewards
  5. Helltide threat level grows X% faster
  6. Chance to get more materials by killing monsters in helltide
  7. Chance to get better loot when completing tree contract
  8. Etc.

The idea is that each blessing has some levels to progress, for example:

  • Blessing: Chance to get +X% rewards when completing Pit:
    – Blessing lvl 1: +4%
    – Blessing lvl 2: +8%
    – Blessing lvl 3: +12%

We wouldn’t have to choose one blessing tree or another, the division is just visual so that we know that by choosing to go more towards the Father’s Blessing side we will be further away from the last blessings on the Mother’s Blessing side, so the player chooses whether he wants focus on one or mix the choices.

I believe that something along these lines would give us a progression beyond lvl 100 where we would be impacting not the character’s power but rather the rewards and the game world, adjusting the loot and bonuses that the player receives according to their needs.


I like this idea. This gives purpose and extra life!

We could involve crafting materials as rewards as well, as soon as we have more craft possibilities