Stygian Stone Farming and Masterworking Materials

I have been looking at the maths of efficiently farming Pits for Stygion Stones and based on

  • Published Drop Rates
  • on doing T101 in about 3 min, T40’s in about 1 min
  • averaging the %'s and times between tiers

farming will be most productive at T40 with about 6 Stones an hour, vs about 3.6 at T100.

But the issue is then that you end up with massive amounts of Obducite. So while we can use the Alchamist to downgrade materials, we need the Alchamist to be able to upgrade materials as well.

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thank you for your information. interesting.

Would farming t61 decrease the efficiency by a large margin? Then at least you’d get Neathiron.

Once your build is strong enough, the clear time difference between T40 and T100 will not be 2 minutes.

Even at T100+, strong builds will 1-2 shot most mobs including elite and the boss would only take a few seconds. The navigation of the map is what takes the bulk of the run time and that shouldn’t depend on the pit level. Some maps and monster density are horrible so there is always a variance too.

I think the right answer is the highest level that your build can clear under 2 minutes pretty consistently. Whether it’s 61 if your build is rather weak up to 100+ if your build is very strong

I did some more testing on this by timing runs at 41, 61 and 91.

As it turns out the speed of clear is not that much different between the three, and wth my character used for testing, the limiting factor is in fact the time to simply run through the dungeon.

At T41 the clear time was about 90 sec from the time I selected the portal to Telporting back to town. Most of this was the travel time for sections 1 & 2.

At T61 this went up to about 110 sec. It took me about 2 sec longet to clear the pit boss than T41.

At T91 it took about 140 Sec, with the pit boss taking about 5 Sec instead of 1 Sec at T41.

Some of this time difference is added kill time but I think most was actually variability in the dungeon layout and length, not how much extra time was needed to clear the mobs.

What this ended up with is that is that the average clear time for T91 will give about 4.3 Stones an hour which is the fastest drop rate.

Times are based on my L100 WWind Barbwith fully masterworked gear, so clear times will be lower for others. Aslo for others with faster movement speed the times may be quicker, but I think T91 will still be the most efficient run for Stone drops.

Where’s the fun part?

That’s why you can’t upgrade materials. It would be more efficient to farm lower pits.

In not trying to min/max a game