Stygian Stone Drop Chances - Make them more appropriate!

I suggest the following drop chances for Stygian Stones depending on the tier X of “The Pit”.

f(X) = (X^2)/(200)^2

In my opinion this would be more appropriate, because very low tiers should get very low drop chances and very high tiers should get very high drop chances, and since the difficulty is increasing non-linear, the drop chances should increase non-linear too. My suggestion leads to the following table of drop chances for Stygian Stones depending on the tier of “The Pit”.

|Tier|Drop Chance|

Right now the probabilities are

Tier 1: 5 % (way too high)
Tier 40: 10 % (too high)
Tier 100: 18 % (too low)
Tier 200: 30 % (way too low)

With my suggestion the drop chances would be (rounded)

Tier 1: 0 %
Tier 40: 4 %
Tier 100: 25 %
Tier 200: 100 %

Especially given the latest changes of The Pit in Patch 1.4.3, this would be more appropriate drop chances for Stygian Stones! Especially if you manage to finish the highest tier 200 of “The Pit” successfully, you should get a guaranteed Stygian Stone, because it is difficult enough. The drop chance of 30 % for a successful run of tier 200 of “The Pit” is ridiculously low. Compare this to the drop chance of Stygian Stones at world bosses, where you don’t even have to fight, because there will always be some players who basically “one-shot” the world boss in a second and then you get a Stygian Stone with a quite decent chance, but with nowhere near the effort you would have at the current tier of the pit with this drop chance.

Please, Blizzard, implement my suggestion. Thank you.


This curve is for sure way better, than the currently.

At the moment i get a stone every 30 pit runs. that’s not enough. i do 90 pits.

After that you have to go to varshan 6 times and zir 6 times for each uber run. the system is really very boring and tedious

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Do you think it is smart to put 100 % at lvl 200?, devs!?!!?!??!?!?!?!?? Guess 3 times!

What does “devs” mean?

I think of tier 200 pit as brutally difficult. Therefore it should end with a guaranteed drop of a stygian stone. I have explained my view on this above in more detail.

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The Developers? :joy: :point_left:

i mean, i dont mind your curve really. however, it doesnt really matter that much if t100 is 18, or 25%, you can still run 10 pits without seeing a single stone you know.

But yea, +1 i guess =)

i have been getting stones roughly every 3-5 runs. considering runs take 3mins, that aint too shabby. i understand wanting more, but i think the increase in droprate is definitely already noticeable

I did about 50 runs past couple of days, all pit level 101 to 111. I think I got 1 stone. Too harsh of a grind, makes me want to just give up.

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You realize most ppl are stuck at 70 or lower.

This would be punishing for them.

They 1000000% need to up the Stingy stones drop rate, but they also need to fix the Neathiron reward at Pit level 102+. If you do under 100 your Neathiron goes up 1 per level of Pit. After 100 it goes up 4 per 10 levels making it pointless to do anything over Pit 101. How did anyone think that was a good idea…punitive to do high pits, punitive to group for pits, seriously?!? I also firmly believe they nerfed the Stingy stone drop rate and just didnt tell anyone. Ive done 150+ level 101 pits over the past week and 1 single Stingy Stone drop…smh.

Those doing Pit150+ don’t need the stones any more. They probably already have perfect gear.
What I would ask is no RNG when it comes to collecting mats for game activities: a guaranty to get a stone each time I suffer doing my series of Pit runs. Keep the drop rates unchanged if needed but not RNG attached.

These things just don’t drop at all anymore. I’ve run about 30 pit 101’s today and have not seen a single one - 18% drop rate my a$$

Drop rate is probably on the low side but the main problem is that it relies on RNG. You can have very good days and terrible ones. Did 20 Pit101 runs yesterday. Didn’t get a single stone. Did 10 today, got 2. Stones should be as any other summoning mat of the game. You make the effort and you receive something in return.