Stuck in infernal hordes battle area

For those who are having trouble: It’s a hassle, but please return to the city after the wave ends.It may not be foolproof, but give it a try.

This should be done to prevent bugs from occurring, not to fix them.

Already tried, nothing happens after going back and forth to the city.
And got the issue twice in a row, after that this is quite difficult to run another one (and when it’s happening after the last wave, well…)

same problem here. xbox series X couch coop with my wife. Classes mage and rogue if that helps. 2 times out of 3 we have this “slay the remaining enemies”
we tried t7 and t8 and have been getting this bug since the start of the season. no fix yet and its killing all the fun.

Hi All! We have an idea: Do not choose more than once the perk to get the events 50% faster done. If you choose this perk 2 times, wave will get stuck. This is our observation. At the weekend, we had just one horde stuck. This was the horde in which we choose this perk 2 times.

Please try it and send your feedback here.

(Not my native language. Hope you understand what I have wrote :-))

Thanks for the suggestion. I have completed console co-op hordes successfully with multiple “aether events spawn 50% faster” (that was pretty nice, so much aether). I have also tried other things like portal back to town, portal hopping, running round the horde arena blasting at the walls etc but nothing seems to work once I reached that deadend stage.

It seems to be an issue with the timer countdown, so now I try to leave a few mobs alive when the timer reaches zero, to actually have remaining enemies to slay in case that dreaded message appears. I dunno, give this a try lol!

To prevent this bug from occurring, return to town after every wave that ends normally. This will reduce the chance of the bug occurring. There is no point in returning to town after the bug has already occurred.

Bump. Please fix! It’s happening solo on xbox as well. Got to chests and none of them spawned. Couldn’t town portal. Had to log out. sigh

this seems to have gotten worse and is happening to us > 50% of the time now. Please somebody help

Happening to me and my gf as well couch co op ps5

Just acknowledging here that the team has been keeping up with the reports and has been investigating/working on this.


My wife and I have had this happen at least 6 times. It is especially frustrating due to the “all or nothing” nature of the activity. We have pretty much decided that if we need MW mats, we are just going to run pits, unfortunately. I play Sorc; she’s a Druid.

If this doesn’t get patched soon, then we should be reimbursed for our time and materials. It’s not like we were going to fail a run when we just cleared wave 8/8, but the stupid door refuses to open.

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Thank you for finally acknowledging this issue. What was the outcome of that investigation? There was no mentioning in todays hotfix. Any ETA, root cause, reimbursement of lost hours, workaround, etc.?


Since there is acknowledgement from the team here, figure I’ll post some other major split screen bugs in the hope they get noticed here, since my many bug reports have been ignored. Some good and some bad.

All whispers like “open 3 chests” etc count for both of you when either one of you does the action, so you can get by with half the amount, and you both get xp when either once opens a chest.
Minion counts straight up do not work if you are both necros. It will frequently count one players skeletons as both players and not allow the other to summon any.
NMDs will sometimes remove lives from your respawn count even if only one person died and the other person revived them. Infernal Hordes are frequently incompletable.
Oh, and you also still can not bloodmark properly in PVP. Whoever bloodmarks first gets properly bloodmarked, but the other person is stuck with the blood mark aura, the game saying you can’t bloodmark because you already are, you cannot open bloodmarked chests, and you and your other player are hostile to each other.

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Exactly this! Fix it Bliz! Just had 2 out of 3 in a row fail. Such a waste of time. Multitudes of other issues during co-op on xbx as well.

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Please arrange a quick fix/ hot fix of this, instead of fix this end of the season or after the season 5. Thanks

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I will not buy any Blizzard games from now on. Because they are making ridiculous claims about leaving the bug for a month and only investigating it. This simple error. This isn’t the agile Blizzard of old.

Same issue! Spoils all the fun!!!

I would assume that the issue is a server client communication issue as I’ve found after looking at the gameplay I recorded I noticed almost all the times I’ve gotten stuck is when the round timer reaches 0 and at that second the last enemy is killed (a lot of the time it is also a shaman that’s reviving a fallen).

I’ve been trying to watch my timer since and haven’t had many issues.

Same here, couch coop, 100% Time since 2days no chests spawnin, if we even manage to finish the waves… Fix it please blizzard

Ok now we cannot just go out XD