Stuck in crash loop after the patch dropped

same, crashes right after it says login que

Thank you for your help!

I can confirm this fix. I turned off frame generation via GeForce Experience and I no longer have the crashing issue.

Thank you! That works perfect GDV13

same issue…i optimized the game in the Nvidia Center and start it from there…this worked and i can play now. Just clicked “optimize game”

It appears Frame Generation is the issue and the team is rolling out a change to disable this across games again.

I should note this is server side so it will change in the background.

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I hope Frame Generation can work normally.

Does anyone else have a big fps drop on map/paragon/skill UI with FG ON? its really annoying…

in general something is wrong…i have an i7 13 generation and rtx 4070ti an my pc is struggling on 80 Frames in high settings…before the patch everything was smoothe.

It’s a server side issue, nothing to do with your rig. You can be playing on a NASA computer and it will still struggle. This also isn’t new either, we’ve had similar issues ever since the game launched and they’ve never gotten a handle on it, in fact it only seems to get worse with every patch bringing in new problems while the old ones linger.

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Thanks for the reply pez, i just wish you guys could figure this out so i can take full advantage of my 40 seires graphics card, keep us updated and thanks for all the hard work!

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Nvida 3050 card,i had to roll back driver to many problems.

After today’s patch most of the shop stuff doesn’t load and I also can’t login characters into the game. Just end up with a blank black screen that doesn’t end it seems.

Game performance was made significantly worse after the previous friday’s patch. And now this after today’s patch…

It’s like every patch lately is just breaking the game more

Laptop RTX4060 here, since people seem to be posting their cards. Used to run the game on near max without any issues in previous seasons. This season has been a performance mess since the start.

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I have the same problem. Got home from work and it crashes during the load screen or shortly after my character loads in. Very frustrating with no solution.

Any timeframe on the fix?


So if we dont have a series 40xx card we are classified as plebs and dont even deserve a blue post since 16-05 patch broke the game for us …

Oh but the 40xx users get acknowledged and responded in a few hours


Tbh i really hope they SACK YOU FOR NOTHİNG PEZ RADAR

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This was extremely inconvenient and caused alot of grief for players that touch grass once in awhile who found time to relax and enjoy their favorite title.

Spent the entire day working to come home big sad then have to go to sleep for work again.

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I keep crashing anytime a stronghold triggers. It’s happened with multiple of them

4070ti here, I’ve updated drivers, disabled dlss, all the different possible suggestions I’ve seen. I played for 15 minutes, crashed, 10 minutes, crashed, then constant crashing within a minute or two of logging in if I can get in at all. I’m in open world, happened in a hell tide, when trying to teleport, when opening my stash. I’d just gotten to play again after the LAST constant crashing fiasco and now I’m crashing all over again. Will you PLEASE fix this and stop automatically turning crap on for me? If I want it on I’ll turn it on!

Nobody is turning anything on besides yourself