Straight up, who else is just bored of playing this Game?

I think most of the players here on this thread have reached their ceiling on progression. No need to continue becoz they are on their ceiling. They would keep on dying to the same dungeons over and over.

Well, that’s not me. My ceiling is too high. Im slow on leveling but i am doing progress even if it’s slow. Im still accessing more paragon nodes and still able to kill NM dungeons with mobs 12 levels above me accessing higher power level items. I keep on farming gold becoz i need millions to enchant those Ancestral yellows to the perfect stats i need before i turn them into Ancestral legendary. Im also missing max rolled legendary powers. I have to redo Helltide over and over, farm high NM dungeons, farm World Events, farm World Boss over and over. And i feel way more powerful as time goes by.

I am enjoying the game. I am quite frustrated that they only allowed us a month before releasing Seasons. It’s all good. I would continue my adventure on Eternal realm. Maybe one more month, i would reach my ceiling. And i would ask my friend who had reached his ceiling few weeks ago at level 100. We will try to put down Uber Lilith. If we fail, it’s all good. We didnt play meta Classes. We would just go to next Season and play meta Classes and we will see how we would fare. It’s all good if we fail. This is just a game. What matters is if we had fun.

On me, i am having fun.

They knew this game was dog**** before they released it, but they knew people would buy it on name only.


It’s just a one shot fiesta past that.

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Actually the only thing that one-shots me are certain affixes from Champion/Elite mobs.

Enemies themselves only do about 1/4 of my health in damage.

What annoys me the most about dying to those affix’s is a majority of them are unavoidable damage, or honestly need to have their mechanics refined.

Suppressor + Fire Enchanted usually = Instant Game Over, if I can’t kill them within 1-2 seconds, It will kill me.

Supressor= Fine, I can outplay this easily.

Fire Enchanted= I die to this single affix more than any other affix that exists currently. Its simply not fair. The enemies move too fast when they are elites and its difficult to avoid them + the tracking flames which can consume a majority of a small hallway.

Cold Enchanted- I hate this due to the massive AOE/Unavoidable burst damage this does, I can outplay it and make it attack my Bone Prison to waste the Cold Blast they do, and the range is so expansive and the explosive AOE radius is just insane for certain mobs that it still hits me and 1-shots me.

Thats it really, Cold Enchanted/Fire Enchanted and Fire/Supp are the only affixes that give me a lot of trouble.


Teleporter- Yea, Screw this affix too, teleport directly ontop of you and deal massive lightning damage.

Unavoidable damage should never 1-shot your character, my only outplay for this is to get a corpse ready before I engage them ((assuming I know where they are )) Setup a corpse tendril to stun them, then Blood Mist to make myself invul, and wait for the CT to proc and stun, then leave BM and unload Bspear until they die, if I don’t manage to kill them, they will teleport ontop of me and 1-shot.

Its frustrating that you can only outplay this so much due to the unfair mechanics here.

The game desperately needs a group finder, and not like … a listing where people make groups then do content together. A group finder that automates everyone to the same dungeon, then you finish and find another group in the next dungeon.

And it desperately needs more and better items.


I quit weeks ago when it turned out at 70 my only chance for any progression was to endlessly farm tempest roar, the item that many people grinded all the way to 100 without seeing

when season 1 would arrive in weeks and invalidate all the progress anyway

so I come here to sheetpost and wait to see if season 1 will be worth the hassle

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I completely agree; if this game is to be online only, I think we’d all benefit from more engaging social interaction than people waiting eagerly by town portals or quickly typing in a world boss before everyone leaves.


Yes, It gets boring to farm NM dungeons alone.

Yea this is something I enjoyed with D3, sometimes I just wanted to vibe and kill stuff with other players, and when I didn’t I could just make a private room and solo.

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It’s a little sad that that engagement sounds like an unobtainable pipe dream when it’s from the previous game.

Its annoying I can only see the 11 local players instead of just looking through players in my realm or something. Idk.

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No LFG finder/group finder when they add all these people running around the game. It’s lonely as hell and even basic mobile games have group finders added to it.

lol I run players through capstones and give rando’s boosts just for some human interaction sometimes, and as a break from NM dungeons.

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i was giving out gold in kyovashad a few times to randos near the portals, i didnt know what else to do.

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Charity is a modest kindness unto a jaded world.

I stay gold starved due to crazy enchantment Tax. 2-hander refuses to roll Vulnerable damage, at 16m/roll and I sort of just gave up on it till I get another 2-hander with better stats or something.

ouch i got vuln on every slot available without much effort, all max or near max rolls too. still spent my share of gold on stupid high rolls though.

I’ll swing a little gold your way if I see you in Sanctuary.

If you trade too much gold you get banned xD lmao because blizzards auto-checker will think we’re selling gold bahaha

Im already back up to 14,

I had 60m earlier, didn’t get the rolls I needed. Blah.

If they ban me for helping out people, so be it. I’ve done nothing that would warrant action against my account and I enjoy helping those I have the means to.

The occultists are the greediest grifters in the game.


Id rather just play with you rather than take gold. I’m capable of farming it. Just annoyed the game refuses to give me the rolls I need.