STOP - nerfing the ever loving crap out of all the fun stuff before I get there please

I have been trying to finish the story when time allows, and every other day I hear about something end-game and outrageously fun getting nerfed into the dirt.

What the holy-hell is wrong with fun?

Who hired all the grinches to perform dungeon balancing. Are you all too busy/lazy to realize that this little game of cat & mouse you devs are playing is downright petty?

Step 1: Players find a good XP/loot zone that YOU created.
Step 2: Nerf that dungeon into the dirt, removing any and all point to running it.
Step 3: GOTO step 1 infinitely
Step 4: profit ?

It does not make sense, and it is super-frustrating to EVERYONE.



Blizzard currently seems to mistakenly under the impression that if they nerf a few Dungeons we’ll do NMs instead.

What they fail to realise is that most regular Dungeons and even a bunch of open world farming loops are a preferable XP grind to NMs. They’ll need to nerf basically everything to the point that it’s even more barren, with even less to break up the walking simulator, before they’ll be able to force whoever is left into NMs.

The ‘best’ way to Engage with NMs is to farm low enough NMs that all of the annoying mechanics can be ignored with 10+ of each type so you don’t have to travel nearly as often. Things like the Lightning bs don’t make them hard, they make them tedious and slow to do until you can just ignore them entirely.

In what world did Blizzard think players would actually be willing to run on their horse, sometimes for a minute+, to do a 5 minute NM?

Blizzard needs to make NMs actually rewarding if they want us to engage with them. Level 21’s don’t actually take that long and there’s zero reason to keep doing them after that.


Running the same two dungeons is not “fun”.


yeah im only level 52 and clearly the way to go was to get to 100 in the first week like the streamers.


playing a running simulator in a nightmare dungeon is fun? GO get this orb, kill this thing, oh and then run back 5 miles and place a stone on the board.

kill packs of 2-5 mobs “HUGE DENSITY”

Now go fight a boss.

WOW… I’m fkn blown away at nightmare dng gameplay


The dungeon nerfs pisses me off. It made so much fun until now. Was hoping to farm dungeons today until i saw there is no more elites and you have to find other dungeons and run 100 miles…


Well diablo devs have always been pretty bad. They were bad in D2R and they are kinda bad in D4.

I mean a whole week to fix some codex you created? Lowering density of elites before fixing class wide issues? Yea thats pretty bad decision-making.

Quite honestly this game was alot more fun the first 2 weeks.


But killing large packs / getting good drops / getting good exp is fun though. That’s why other dungeons need to be buffed rather than nerfing the few that were actually fun.


Diablo 2 - Farm the same thing of your choice over and over for hours on end to find the gear you want and XP
Diablo 3 - Farm the same thing of your choice over and over for hours on end to find the gear you want and XP
Diablo 4 - Take the best part of the previous iterations of the franchise and abandon them completely. Turn Sanctuary from a Demonic hellscape full of abominations and make it so there are more posies to pick then demons to kill.


If anyone didn’t notice, they are nerfing everything so no one has a “farm” spot for the season 1 launch. They are using the eternal realms as an observation and testing ground so players can’t have an edge powerleveling in the season.


We aren’t stupid, we know what they’re doing but there’s better ways to aim to equalize farming spots / exp rates aside from gutting the places that are most enjoyable. No one is stupid enough to not understand what they’re doing, it’s how they’re doing it that’s killing the fun.

They could buff ToW exp rates, they could buff NM dungeon exp rates / make it so enemies that are more than 3 levels higher give increased exp to encourage NM tier pushes, they could increase the density across dungeons. There are so many options and they continuously choose to nerf / make things more dull.


This here is true lmao. And doesnt matter how high a tier u go. Exp is garbage hahahaahah


I disagree with your assertion that repeat farming the most efficient dungeons is fun. Same with using overpowered builds to trivialize the content.

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Theres no way people are still not understanding that people have different opinions on what is and is not fun… right? Just because YOU dont enjoy something, doesnt mean that its not enjoyable for others. wake up.


Sorry, I really don’t see how is oneshooting pack of 11 mobs more fun than one shooting pack of 9 mobs, because that’s what’s pretty much happened. People didn’t even notice Ruins of Eridu nerf on their own, rofl.

They have to nerf rest of Dungeon outlines and then boost Nightmare rewards and all is perfectly fine.

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Well have fun in your barren dungeons with your 0 damage spec then. Once Blizzard is done that’s all we’ll have left anyway.

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have you even played it yet ??


Also buddy was selling boosts yesterday like nothing happened, he run it from 70 to 92 and didn’t notice change, rofl.

I hate… HATE… when they social engineer like this to force people to play how they insist we should play. They never learn. This is what drives people from games. If these people were in charge of D2, it never would have succeeded. They don’t get it.

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For me it is.

I could’ve run eridu until 100, and i am currently 71 that’s like over 24hours same dungeon, But this is fun for me and for a lot of others.

Well “was fun” is proably the correct term now

But that would be too much enjoyment from something i paid for, Gotta nerf it i guess,