STOP nerfing dungeon elite/exp - Maugan's Folly, Champion's Demise, Eridu

No I am specifically arguing for them to make a better game for most people by fixing unintended imbalanced.

Just because they created things a certain way, does not mean it was how they wanted to create it.

You got Blizzard stock or something? Trying to get hired on as a Dev and hoping they’ll need more bodies?

How the dude wants to play should be up to him.


I don’t see a twitter post or anything on this. Was this just now or based off the last hotfix?

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Apparently you think trading doesn’t exist, you just want legendaries and uniques handed to you on a platinum platter because you’re too lazy to do anything for yourself. Am I wrong? Or am I right because you feel entitled to legendaries and uniques every kill because diablo 3 baby?


That’s not the issue, they are nerfing Nightmare dungeons too. They are not worth the “effort” (time) now, areas are full of thrash mobs that give no exp on top of event spawns which give 0 experience by default. Nerfing normal dungeons is fine, but it affects everything atm.

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86, still loads of fun.

What are you even talking about? :rofl::rofl: :clown_face::clown_face:


Nerfing the fun out of normal dungeons by lessening mob density is a sure fire way to make the game more boring overall.

The pace of leveling is extraordinarily slow if you’re soloing, and you want to make it worse by lowering the playing field so everyone has the slowest rate of leveling? It’s a huge slog to grind out level 50+ in the state that it’s currently at. Increasing rate of leveling for everyone would naturally be more enjoyable. Only the die-hard people want to toughen out 150 hours of play time solo to level to max.


yes stop nerfing it , just nerf group exp .

this game smells group exp bonuses badly .

they are like babies give me this biscuit give me my group exp bonuses and let me reach 70+ this is only what it matter becau_se mobs drops like pinnatas past 70 ^^

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I don’t know about that one bud, Mobs give plenty of xp and in fact that’s where I’d say… 80% of my xp is from? Random mobs or doing full dungeon clears instead of focusing on elites and demanding that Blizzard add in group finder so you can abuse an unintended gameplay mechanic.

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Never said I want it to be 150h of playing, I want it to be faster too :slight_smile: I just don’t think fast leveling should be done through increasing density of trivial mobs so you can one shot more of them faster. It should be done through increasing Nightmare dungeon rewards for higher tiers, so you can level fast by pushing challenging content.

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I went from 52/53 to roughly 65 in less than 3 days time with random mobs and you know actively participating in hell tides and doing full dungeon clears and yes that includes the boss in the end if there is one.

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They don’t check your math, it’s available online. You are making assumptions.

Most dungeons have event spawns which do not give experience and regular mobs give very very little. I’ve literally had the day off today to test because I couldn’t believe it. I don’t give a [Removed] about some random streamer who abuses whatever just allow me to have fun pushing nightmare dungeons, right now they are laughably easy.

You say “abuse an unintended gameplay mechanic” when in your previous post you claimed to play Diablo 2, where you naturally reset every instance by rejoining games all the time. It doesn’t sound to me like you actually understand how this nerf punishes players for playing the exact same way people played Diablo for years.

I’ve played thousands of hours of Diablo 2 over the last 20 years…

The amount of actual ‘content’ in D2 is hilariously limited - and yet it’s still an incredible game because of the item chase. It has nothing to do with leveling up, everyone spams tomb runs, cow runs, chaos runs, baal runs to reach a reasonable level as quickly as possible. It’s the exact same thing here.

The thing that gives that game longevity is the item chase. Finding and trading for a set of rare runes to further improve your character or enable a completely different build is what harbors the replayability of that game.

It remains to be seen if D4 can replicate that item hunt but using D2 as a comparison for ‘content’ is ridiculous. Leveling up isn’t content, it’s a side-effect of playing the game, engaging in actual content like clearing dungeons, doing side-quests, farming gear, pushing nightmare dungeons.

They already have a system in place to encourage the player to visit different nightmare dungeons, all they need to do is further incentivize us to do so by improving it’s exp effectiveness. Using the D2 comparison… I would rather level up in terror zones all day than spam kill Diablo and Baal for 24 hours.


Grouping up for the sake of a dungeon reset? That’s unintended gameplay mechanics. That is by definition exploiting something that shouldn’t be done to begin with.

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It’s a shame they’re not improving the things that suck and nerfing what few ways people find to try to power through a poorly designed “end-game.” Maybe a surprise Tuesday patch?

I don’t think they want us to get to 100 fast because there’s really nothing to do anyway, but if people can’t finish the grind they’ll just give up and you’ll lose the players. If they can finish the grind maybe they’ll at least be more likely to mess around on alts or PvP until S1. D3 had record breaking sales too and then lost record breaking amounts of players in record time because the devs were too slow to fix the laundry list of issues with the game.

If they’re waiting for 1k HC 100s before they change it, that would be stupid as they didn’t hesitate to nerf things in the other direction before that was complete. The people who got to 100 first were able to enjoy a much higher XP/hour than players currently can outside of one very boring dungeon grind that’s annoying for solo players since you have to log out and lose your elixir if you want to reset a dungeon and do at half speed.


Welcome to 2023 where rushing to maximize everything is normal. What’s not normal is the boomers crying about “the normal way to play” as if everyone likes the same thing.

they have mechanics to encourage player exp groups and farming same dungeon oever and over to gain maximum of exp and same for nm dungeons . the only real king is experience but the overall experience is broken due to this experience needed to go over 70 to have access of the PINNATA which requires group exp bonuses to go faster than solo , this is where the game flaws in all ways .

just remove the crap group exp bonus and we will be fine as intended . thats said .

and then we can see who is true knight .

The event’s aren’t supposed to give xp, you do them for the extra mobs, and frankly nightmare dungeons should give more xp to begin with, whether or not its from harder mobs (assuming you’re not max level or near the level cap for the sigils tier) and on completion of it.

Hell the first thing i did just to test my own abilities and strength is to jump straight into a tier 25 nightmare the moment i switched over to T4 world for the first time. I was laughably 14 levels below the mob levels and I did struggle somewhat because of the negative affixes it had and not to mention wraith/wrathful phantoms 1 shotting me. I did succeed in the end though.

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