Stop calling for nerfs on bone spear

Why does everyone keep spouting on about how there is only 1 or 2 viable builds for their characters but I see streamers proving this wrong daily by making other builds work?

I mean, come on guys…time to take a chill pill, if your character gets nerfed, it gets nerfed, move on and back to the theory crafting table.

That thing need a nerf buddy. Otherwise people will create a necro on S1. Problem is, necro has tons of crit multiplier came from gloves, rings, weapons. Barb doesn’t have any specific crit multiplier. Just crit damage as much as you can get

I just find it odd that most games realize that pets stand in crap and don’t have brains, so they’re made more tanky. They buffed one of their survival talents a good amount after launch, but that doesn’t account for things that are supposed to hit fast and semi-hard like Obelisks and poison.

Half the affixes I feel like a complete character, the other half make me feel like 25% of a character…especially when combo’d with mobs who ‘charge’ through and absolutely annihilate my pets.

Three giant snakes charging into my skellies = all dead, even before the poison. 30% x 3 cause my skeletons stand there like idiots.

Anyways…it’s not like I struggle with content near my level, it’s that in high level content my biggest weakness isn’t me dying, it’s my pets being dumb and no amount of healing keeping them alive.

Sorry if this was off-topic…I just really don’t want to do a full Bone Spear build. I use it to Vuln enemies atm and that’s good enough.


If Blizzard can take anything away from D3 seasons, they should know that having one super juiced character only ends up with 95% of the player base playing that one character every 4 months.

IMO nerf all those meta build or cap their DMG … i mean seriously everytime im near 3-4 meta build the game lags like crazy and no its not my internet lol i have 10GBps service and i ping steady 10-60ms …

the fact you meta builds over calculate the DMG to be made of over 10mils and all make the CPU calculation lags like crazy… so yeah nerf 'em and well be ok… nothing fun in solo’ing a boss in 2min or even 2sec… god damn …

that like being a sitting duck in the pvp zone letting people kill all the mobs and then you go farm those people hard earn kills lol… work off your asses …

Also i found that stupid if i dont mark myself blood that i can get killed … that is IMO the stupidiest thing there is in a game lol but that just my pov!

Y I only wants all characters viable. I didn’t mind if there couldn’t be a smart loot. That feature should come with good class balances. Otherwise, it’ll only kill the economy which I don’t want. I’ve level 97 Druid, still no Tempest roar. I’ve lv 96 Barb still no temerity and I only got Gohr once and I don’t even use them cuz of the bad rolls. Summary, uniques are already hard to get for some unlucky people. Give me an opportunity to buy rare items from others at least. Necro doing 4m crit and they say “It’s need a setup, their items are near to perfect” So, I saw a guy yesterday which wants to run T50+ NM dungeons. Level 83 Necro. I inspect him, only stacked crit damages and with bunch of sacred items. Gear wasn’t even upgraded to max. He did god level damage to elites. How is that can be possible and people defend this ? Guys cried and Blizz buffed necro, every class get nerfed except Necro. Now, need a nerf. I’m a controller player, that character overpowered also I cannot play heheh

The funny thing is if they do a 90% nerf to necro damage, their clear of Lilith would take the same as some of the fastest barbs xD. Kinda tells you about the power disparity in the game.

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Bone spear literally hits for 20m/cast :rofl: “PLS DON’T NERF” is the same as Barbs crying when their infinite scaling was taken away.


We were crying when the interaction was taken away AND our damage was gutted. They didn’t really look into how our damage w/o the bugged interactions would hold up. Unsurprisingly, they don’t hold up at all after the nerfs.

Dude, Barb still hits for millions and is the tankiest class in the game. You are so stupidly tanky, you are casually swallowing 2 one shot mechanics one after the other :smiley: .

What build is that? Cause it certainly isn’t mine or any of the barb’s i’ve seen doing high end content. They still get 1 shot in NM 80+ without all shouts active.

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Any build.

Everyone gets 1 shoted in NM80+. The fact that you have a way to survive getting one shoted to begin with tells you how broken Barb’s defences are.

Any build? You mean any barb build that tries pushing past NM70 that has to stack tons and tons of armor as well as not engage any pack without all shouts active? If they’re so incredibly tankier than other classes, why are we so worried about getting one shot. I thought I could casually stroll through NM 100 dungeons as barb :joy:


Classes need to have some cons and pros. Barb is the fastest clear in the game. But necro damage is abnormal, hilarious.

It’s fastest clear for midgame content. Endgame our damage falls off hard as we need to spec more and more into defenses as every build that actually works (mainly HoTA cause it’s currently bugged) needs to get right up to the enemies to damage them.


Dude, not even at 70, at NM60 I dropped all of my DR/Armor/Defences because there are is no point to it, since everything is a 1 shot. You are surviving NM80. “Oh but only in a shout” jeez. You have no idea how well you are having it :smiley: .

Killing a world boss in seconds is not balanced. It will be nerfed, but still good.


And do you need to stand right next to mobs to output damage? You don’t need defenses if you can one shot things from a screen away.

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YES! (20 characters)

Wdym midgame ? I clear NM 70-75 with my WW. If it’s still not an endgame content, do you think endgame is only NM 100 and Lilith ?