Stop building Diablo 4 around Seasons

Seasons were not present in the beginning of Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 for a reason. They were added to freshen up the games because they were getting stale since they were out for years by then. Diablo 4 has a really weak core right now and no significant end game content.

Most players that you likely want to keep playing your game aren’t going to buy into the level up again every 3 months despite a vocal minority claiming they are “having fun” on seasons leveling up, testing their builds out or other silly arguments for why seasons is fun. Sycophants are going to be the only type of player left if this nonsense keeps up. Anyone with a brain knows you can level up on Eternal Realm and it’d be just as fun if they let us transfer USABLE/USEFUL items to the alt just like on prior Diablos. That way the alt is incredibly strong early on, moreso than these malignant hearts. However, making the game alt friendly was clearly not even a thought or not done to promote seasons.

Beef up Diablo 4 with patches to make it more playable and focus on delivering content to the Eternal Realm, not just Seasonal. This season was rushed out too early and many players have obviously lost interest. If you launch a Season people don’t like, guess what? No one is even playing your game for 3 months at a time because you put all your eggs in the season basket too soon. We know there’s no end game awaiting us after we level up again. Patches to improve content must be delivered, words alone won’t suffice at this point.

Trashing the Eternal Realm to make people play seasons is backfiring. Twitch viewership is going to plummet when the streamers and players get bored soon because again there is no end game content. There’s still time to reverse course and make seasons more an optional thing. The Campfire Chat indicated the D4 team still wanted to try to make things better but it won’t happen if you keep pushing that losing gameplan of seasons above all else.


Twitch is a terrible metric to use.


I’d never have bought D4 if it didn’t offer seasons.


Seasons are the only reason I play this game the Eternal realm should be deleted.


Huh? You can’t do that now? What are you on about?

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Seasons is literally the only reason I play Diablo 4. It’s the best feature of all arpgs.


Item level requirement? I’d rather just level up with OP gear equipped than rely on inventory-clogging malignant hearts that will just get deleted at the end of seasons. I value my time though unlike the majority of the seasons players. Delete Eternal Realm? Yea, okay. I hope Blizzard gives you the same mechanic next season but you’d probably eat that up and praise them for it.


Helpful, thanks. In a game that offers 2 game modes, clearly there isn’t a balance between them yet. Eternal feels dogged on in favor of seasonal. If seasonal feels good right now, then good. Seems like eternal needs more love. Since a lot of the nerf was mitigated by means of seasonal play, that shouldn’t be surprising. But seasons aren’t for some people, so something needs to come back to eternal to off-set the feel of it.

I guess I shouldn’t say a lot of the nerf…some of the nerf. Don’t want to get piled on by sorcerers and barbs who have legit complaints.


Are you new to Diablo?

Did this tantrum make you feel like you are in control?



they just need to implement seasons into eternity via destiny 2 style so that it actually benefits everyone and not force everyone to level up new characters on a separate server… seasonal events like christmas, halloween and such, and the other seasons


Yeah… no. Removing level requirement on gear is the absolute worst idea I’ve heard on these forums.

It is the only metric that really exists. Unless you have numbers we don’t, that’s the only metric we have to go off of.

People ignoring the fact that the game pulled 100s of thousands of viewers in the beginning, which does signify that people DID watch it, and now DON’T. Does it speak to the playerbase? Not really. Does it speak to overall interest in the game? Better than any other metric we have


Nah. Seasons are good. Your points are pretty much bland and boring… the things is that the amount of content added in seasons must be meaningful, thing that is not the current state of the game.


if they added it all in one into eternity then there would be no issue im sure hah… not everyone wants to level up characters over and over again though… thats why they need to put it all in one not separate, then they can focus on balancing on a whole


There would be no way to carry over all seasonal content onto eternal. Eternal would just be way too bloated by that.

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Haven’t level requirements always existed in franchise games? Didn’t they reduce the max level requirements so your lvl 100 characters can share with lvl 80, etc?

Who wouldn’t rather have better gear while leveling? Isn’t “I want better stuff” part of the reason you level up?

Do you save OP gear with low level reqs for leveling purposes?


this is a good take. the seasonal mechanic boils down to:

  1. some lukewarm questline regarding an uninteresting mechanic
  2. new gems that don’t persist and have overall extremely boring stats
  3. a to do list that consists of very normal tasks in the game like “do a dungeon” and “get to level 25”
  4. seasonal affixes that are SORT of cool but ones they just give you for completing #3
  5. one boss or whatever

The game is just empty, and the stuff they added to it makes the game feel more like a mobile game than a PC game. Just being brutally honest, which people who cope over their 70 dollar investment will not like.


The game is going to have a lot more seasonal defenders on here because Blizzard alts/trolls doing damage control and most of the normal players who value their time quit already. I was a real Diablo player and played D1, D2 and D3 out to end game when there were no seasons. I played D2 when you couldn’t even transfer items to alts via stash and my friend had to keep transferring my BIS boots for me.

Your seasonal gimmicks are literally making the base game unplayable because Blizzard clearly can’t figure out how to not kill Eternal Realm to balance Seasons. A recent game-killing patch and an apologetic campfire chat makes that evident. They should do the smart thing and ignore the seasonal sycophants and work on making a real end game/strong base game.

My way to fix it is not easy because it’s not just season gimmicks being tossed around but I guarantee you’ll see real dedicated players come back if the D4 team does the hard work.


sure there would be, season is just a addon/overlay… no different than the main game, you even have the choice to start the new game doing the campaign… theres literally no difference but the season content…

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Thats what you think. For example standard in poe has been a dead town since its creation. Iterative seasons with content of tej previous is the the way to go.